Anima dolorosa

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Italian.png Italian text

Anima dolorosa che vivendo
tanto peni e tormenti
quant'odi e parli e pensi e miri e senti,
ancor spiri? Che speri, ancor dimori
in questa viva morte, in quest'inferno
de le tue pene eterno?
Mori, misera, mori!
Che tardi tu1? Che fai?
Perché, mort'al piacer, vivi al martire,
perché vivi al morire?
Consuma il duol che ti consuma omai,
di questa morte che par vita uscendo.
Mori, meschina, al tuo morir morendo.

1: Monteverdi has "più".

German.png German translation

Gramvolle Seele, die du lebend
eben so viel leidest und dich quälst,
wie du hörst, sprichst, denkst, schaust, fühlst,
lebst du immer noch? Was erhoffst du, verweilst du immer noch
in diesem lebendigen Tod, in dieser ewigen Hölle
deiner Leiden?
Stirb, Elende, stirb!
Was zögerst du noch? Was tust du?
Warum, der Freude gestorben, lebst du für das Martyrium,
warum lebst du um zu sterben?
Vernichte das Leid, das dich verzehrt,
indem du aus diesem Tod scheidest, der Leben nur scheint,
stirb, Armselige, an deinem Tode sterbend.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt
English.png English translation

Sorrowful soul, that living
as much suffers and agonizes
as you hear, say, think, see, feel,
do you still live? What do you hope for, do you still abide
in this living death, in this eternal inferno
of your sufferings?
Die, wretched one, die!
Why do you still tarry? What are you doing?
Why, dead to pleasure, do you live for martyrdom,
why do you live to die?
Annihilate the agony that consumes you
by departing this death that only seems to be life,
die, miserable one, dying by your death.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt