Anoche (Barbara Rosen)

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  • (Posted 2020-09-19)  CPDL #60632:       
Editor: John Hetland (submitted 2020-09-19).   Score information: Letter, 4 pages, 403 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Anoche
Composer: Barbara Rosen
Lyricist: Antonio Machadocreate page

Number of voices: 2vv   Voicing: AT
Genre: SecularArt song

Language: Spanish

Composed: 2005
Description: For voice and one instrument.

External websites:

Original text and translations

Spanish.png Spanish text

Anoche cuando dormía
soñé ¡bendita ilusión!
que una fontana fluía
dentro de mi corazón.
Dí: ¿por qué acequia escondita,
agua, vienes hasta mí,
manantial de nueva vida
en donde nunca bebí?

Anoche cuando dormía
soñé ¡bendita ilusión!
que una colmena tenía
dentro de mi corazón;
y las doradas abejas
iban fabricando en él,
con las amarguras viejas
blanca cera y dulce miel.

Anoche cuando dormía
soñé ¡bendita ilusión!
que un ardiente sol lucía
dentro de mi corazón.
Era ardiente porque daba
calores de rojo hogar
y era sol porque alumbraba
y porque hacía llorar.

Anoche cuando dormía
soñé ¡bendita ilusión!
que era Dios lo que tenía
dentro de mi corazón.

English.png English translation

Last night as I was sleeping
I dreamed, blessed illusion!
That a fountain flowed
within my heart.
I said, "From what hidden aquifer,
Water, do you come to me?
Dawn herald of a new life
From which I never drank."

Last night as I was sleeping
I dreamed, blessed illusion!
That I had a honeycomb
within my heart
And the golden bees
were making in it,
Out of old bitterness,
White wax and sweet honey.

Last night as I was sleeping
I dreamed, blessed illusion!
That I had a burning sun
within my heart.
It was burning because it gave
the heat of a red hearth
And it was sun because it illumined
and because it made me cry.

Last night as I was sleeping
I dreamed, blessed illusion!
That it was God I had
Within my heart.