Care lagrime mie (Mogens Pedersøn)

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  • (Posted 2000-06-03)  CPDL #00880:  IMSLP.png
Editor: Christian Mondrup (submitted 2000-06-03).   Score information: A4, 6 pages, 92 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Scroll down to Care lagrime mie (Nos.7-8).
  • (Posted 2000-06-03)  CPDL #00881:  IMSLP.png
Editor: Christian Mondrup (submitted 2000-06-03).   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: in partbook format, 5 parts in zipped file. Scroll down to Care lagrime mie (Nos.7-8).

General Information

Title: Care lagrime mie
Composer: Mogens Pedersøn

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SSATB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1608 in Madrigali a cinque voci, libro primo, no. 7
    2nd published: 1935 in Das Chorwerk, no. 35.6

External websites:

Original text and translations

Pedersøn inserts two lines from the second part of the poem Care lagrime mie into the first one, resulting in a text which is logically and grammatically dubious.

Italian.png Italian text

Care lagrime mie,
Messi dolenti de mie pene rie.
Poi che voi non potete far molle,
ohimè quel core
che non have pietà del mio dolore.

Se del mio lagrimare
Hai fatto amor col mare
Dunque, per cortesia,
Ammorzate l’accesa fiamma mia
O pur crescete tanto
Ch’io mi sommerga
nel mio stesso pianto.

English.png English translation

My dear tears,
messengers of my hard pains,
alas, since you can't soften the heart
that has no pity for my sorrow;

if you [my love] from my weeping
have grown fond of the sea
then be so kind as to extinguish
my burning fire.
Rise so much that I may sink
into my own weeping.