Celebrate Immanuel's name

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General information

'Celebrate Immanuel's name' is a hymn by Charles Wesley. The first of its three stanzas was published on p126 of Short hymns on select passages of the Holy Scriptures, vol. 2 (Bristol: 1762): the remainder of the hymn was written in Charles Wesley's MS volume of hymns on the Gospel of St. Matthew (finished 1766). The volume was left unpublished at Charles' death in 1788 but selected items from it were published by John Wesley in the Arminian Magazine, including this hymn in 1789.

The hymn was subsequently included as no. 603 in the Collection of Hymns for the Use of the People called Methodists.

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Text and translations

English.png English text

Celebrate Immanuel's name,
The Prince of life and peace;
God with us, our lips proclaim,
Our faithful hearts confess:
God is in our flesh reveal'd;
Earth and heaven in Jesus join;
Mortal with immortal fill'd,
And human with divine.

Fulness of the Deity
In Jesu's body dwells,
Dwells in all his saints and me,
When God his Son reveals:
Father, manifest thy Son,
And, conscious of th'incarnate Word,
In our inmost souls make known
The presence of the Lord.

Let the Spirit of our Head
Through every member flow;
By our Lord inhabited,
We then Immanuel know:
Then he doth his name express,
And God in us we truly prove,
Fill'd with all the life of grace,
And all the power of love.

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