Chi vuol veder un bosco folto e spesso

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General information

This is one of several different texts beginning with "Chi vuol veder un bosco".

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Text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Chi vuol veder un bosco folto e spesso
Venga a mirar il misero mio cuore
Quante saette ci hà tirato Amore.

Chi vuol veder duo fonti d'acqua viva
Venga a veder quest' occhi egri e dolenti
Ch'Amor gli ha fatti duo fiumi correnti.

Chi vuol veder com' arde una fornace
Venga a veder me sol ch'in ogni loco
Amor m'hà fatto tutto fiamma e foco.

Chi vuol saper di questo la cagione
Miri costei che sua rara beltade
M’infiamma ogni hora, e in lei non è pietade.

German.png German translation

Wer einen dichten, buschigen Wald sehen will,
der komme, um mein armseliges Herz zu betrachten,
so viele Pfeile hat Amor dorthin geschossen.

Wer zwei Brunnen von Quellwasser sehen will,
der komme, um diese kranken und leidenden Augen zu sehen,
denn Amor hat aus ihnen zwei Sturzbäche gemacht.

Wer sehen will, wie ein Ofen brennt,
der komme, um nur mich zu sehen, denn überall
hat Amor aus mir ganz Flamme und Feuer gemacht.

Wer wissen will die Ursache all dessen,
der schaue auf jene, denn ihre einzigartige Schönheit
entflammt mich zu jeder Zeit, und in ihr findet sich kein Erbarmen.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt
English.png English translation

He who wants to see a thick and bushy wood,
shall come to behold my miserable heart,
so many arrows Love has aimed there.

He who wants to see two fountains of spring water,
shall come to behold these sick and ailing eyes,
for Love has made of them two torrents.

He who wants to see how a furnace burns,
shall come to behold only me, for everywhere
Love has made me all flame and fire.

He who wants to know the cause of all that,
shall look at her, for her rare beauty
always inflames me, and in her there’s no pity.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt