Deus qui sedes super thronum (Orlando di Lasso)

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  • (Posted 2013-06-22)  CPDL #29480:         
Editor: Pothárn Imre (submitted 2013-06-22).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 105 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Transcribed from Magnum opus musicum, 1604. Original key (chiavi naturali) and note-values.

General Information

Title: Deus qui sedes super thronum
Composer: Orlando di Lasso

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SAATB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1562 in Sacrae cantiones quinque vocum, no. 5
    2nd published: 1583 in Tabulaturbuch (Ed. Johannes Rühling) (Beyer, Leipzig), no. 18
    3rd published: 1604 in Magnum opus musicum, no. 253
Description: Matutinum Responsory for Sundays

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Deus qui sedes super thronum et judicas aequitatem,
esto refugium pauperum in tribulatione,
quia tu solus laborem et dolorem consideras.

Hungarian.png Hungarian translation

Isten, ki a trónon ülsz és igazságosan ítélsz,
légy menedéke a szegénynek szorongatásai között,
mert egyedül te nézed a nyomorgatást és a fájdalmat.

English.png English translation

God, who sittest upon the throne and judgest in equity,
be a stronghold of the poor in time of trouble,
for thou alone beholdest toil and pain.