Disquirant alii (Jacob Meiland)

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  • (Posted 2022-11-01)  CPDL #71365:         
Editor: Gerhard Weydt (submitted 2022-11-01).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 120 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: The repetition is written out in the source. Mind the interchange of the tenor and quinta vox parts in the repetition.

General Information

Title: Disquirant alii
Composer: Jacob Meiland
Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SATTB
Genre: SecularConsort song

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1576 in Cantiones aliquot novae (Jacob Meiland), no. 6
Description: A song in praise of Sigismund Feyerabend, Meiland's printer, and also the dedicatee of the collection the work was published in.

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Disquirant alii sibi remque decusque per artes
Quas solers varias monstrat Atlantiades,
Sed tibi Sigismunde placet divinus Apollo,
Qui docet haud dubiam laudis inire viam. In ire viam.
Hinc te prosequitur loeto Germania plausu,
Et tibi sancta hilari carmina voce canit.

German.png German translation

Mögen andere nach Besitz und Ruhm durch unterschiedliche Mittel suchen,
welche der raffinierte Atlantiades (Hermes) anbietet,
doch dir, Sigismund, gefällt der göttliche Apoll,
der lehrt, nicht den ungewissen Pfad des Ruhms zu betreten.
Daher schenkt dir Germania freudigen Beifall
und singt dir mit fröhlicher Stimme feierliche Lieder.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt