Dolcissimo ben mio, speme di questo core

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Italian.png Italian text

Dolcissimo ben mio,
Speme di questo core,
In premio del mio amore
Donami un bacio e satia il mio desio;
Unico mio tesoro,
Porgimi quelle rose
C'hai nelle labra ascose
Ch'a l'alma mia darai dolce ristoro.

English.png English translation

My very sweetest one,
hope of my heart,
as a reward for my love
give me a kiss and satisfy my desire;
My only treasure,
give me those roses
that you have in your lips concealed
so you may, to my soul, give sweet comfort.

Translation by Allen Garvin
German.png German translation

Meine süßeste Liebste,
Hoffnung dieses Herzens,
als Belohnung meiner Liebe
gib mir einen Kuss und befriedige mein Begierde;
mein einziger Schatz,
reiche mir die Rosen,
die du zwischen den Lippen versteckst,
damit du meiner Seele süße Labung gebest.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt

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