Ecce sacerdos magnus
General information
Ecce sacerdos magnus (cf. Ecclesiasticus 44:16-27) is the responsory used at the reception of a Bishop.
Settings by composer
- Ludwig Bonvin SATB
- Anton Bruckner SATB with organ and 3 trombones
- Max Filke SATB
- Vinzenz Goller TTBB
- Michael Haller SAATTB (with misattribution to Hassler)
- Jacob Handl
- Hans Leo Hassler a 6: see Haller above
- Johann Michael Haydn (MH 345) SATB, 2 horns, 2 violins & bc
- Henricus Isaac a 4 (contrafactum of Ecce dilectus meus)
- Giovanni de Macque
- Lorenzo Perosi SA
- Constanza Porta a 6
- J. Singenberger SATB (slight divisi) and organ
- Maximilian Stadler
- Johann Walther a 5
- Andrea Cogliati SATB
- Luca Purchiaroni SATB
For the antiphon at 2nd Vespers for the Common of a Confessor Bishop, see Ecce sacerdos (antiphon)
Other settings possibly not included in the manual list above
- Jorge Braun — Ecce sacerdos magnus
- Johann Baptist Molitor — Ecce sacerdos magnus
- Gottfried von Preyer — Ecce sacerdos
- Pancratius Rampis — Ecce sacerdos
- Mitchell Surzynski — Ecce sacerdos magnus Op 25
Text and translations
Latin text Ecce sacerdos magnus, qui in diebus suis placuit Deo. Eis um grande sacerdote, que em seus dias agradou a Deus. 看,這是大司祭。 |
English translation Behold a great priest, who in his days pleased God. Seht einen Hohepriester, wie er in seinen Erdentagen Gott gefiel, |
External links
View the Wikipedia article on Ecce sacerdos magnus.