Enemy Calypso (Barbara Rosen)

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  • (Posted 2024-01-12)  CPDL #78716:         
Editor: John Hetland (submitted 2024-01-12).   Score information: Letter, 1 page, 227 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Enemy Calypso
Composer: Barbara Rosen
Lyricist: Barbara Rosen
Number of voices: 1v   Voicing: A
Genre: SecularArt song

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

Composed: 2023
Description: Comments on a friendly choral director.

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

The majority of people, as we go through life,
attempt to get by with minimal strife
between friend and neighbor, husband and wife.
But, as all of us know, it's a very sad fact
that some will be offended by the way we act,
even when we take pains to exercise tact.
But our John has got no enemies.
I don't know how he does it; though I aim to please,
I must not have reached perfection
for I've got a fine collection
of very nasty enemies.
Well now, people who are otherwise sane
have been known to maintain that I am their bane.
How they come by this conviction I can't explain,
but I must say they give me a pain.
But our John has got no enemies.
He seems to know how to soothe and appease.
Even gentle Jesus was spat upon,
but you have to be crazy, out and out crazy,
legitimately crazy not to like John.