2. Vos saecli justi judices
et vera mundi lumina
votis precamur cordium
audite preces supplicum.
3. Qui caelum verbo clauditis
serasque ejus solvitis
nos a peccatis omnibus
solvite jussu, quaesumus.
4. Quorum praecepto subditor
salus et languor omnium:
sanate aegros moribus
nos reddentes virtutibus.
5. Ut cum judex advenerit
Christus in fine saeculi
nos sempiterni gaudii
faciat esse compotes.
6. Deo Patri sit gloria
ejusque soli Filio,
cum Spiritu Paracleto,
et nunc et in perpetuum.
This page is awaiting cleanup.Below is a description of the cleanup required: this verse was mistakenly labeled as belonging to Victoria.
Additional verse
Summa sit ipsi gloria,
qui dat nos evangelicis
per vos doctrinis instrui
et prosequi caelestia.
English translation
1. Let the round world with songs rejoice;
Let Heaven return the joyful voice;
All mindful of th’Apostles’ fame,
Let Heav’n and earth their praise proclaim.
2. Ye servants who once bore the light
Of Gospel truth o’er heathen night,
Still may your work that light impart,
To glad our eyes and cheer our heart.
3. O God, by whom to them was giv’n
The key that shuts and opens Heav’n,
Our chains unbind, our loss repair,
And grant us grace to enter there.
4. For at Thy will they preached the Word
Which cured disease, which health conferred:
O may that healing power once more
Our souls to grace and health restore.
5.That when Thy Son again shall come,
And speak the world’s unerring doom,
He may with them pronounce us blest,
And place us in Thy endless rest.
6. To Thee, O Father; Son, to Thee;
To Thee, blest Spirit, glory be!
So was it ay for ages past,
So shall through endless ages last. tr. Richard Mant (1776-1848)
Additional verse
The highest glory be to him,
who gives us the Gospel.
May we be taught by you
and follow you to heaven.