Frühlingsahnung (Carl Maria von Weber)
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Version with Text „Schöne Ahnung ist erglommen“
- Editor: Benoît Huwart (submitted 2007-08-08). Score information: A4, 2 pages, 170 kB Copyright: Public Domain
- Edition notes: Source: Sammlung von Volksgesängen für den Männerchor (Ignaz Heim).
Version with Text „Singet dem Gesang zu Ehren“
- Editor: Nikolaus Hold (submitted 2021-11-13). Score information: A4, 2 pages, 51 kB Copyright: CC BY NC
- Edition notes: For male chorus; Text from Vivat Paulus!
General Information
Title: Frühlingsahnung
or: Der Gesang
Composer: Carl Maria von Weber
Lyricist: Johann Friedrich Kind
Number of voices: 4vv Voicing: TTBB
Genre: Secular, Cantata
Language: German
Instruments: A cappella (Original : "Für 4 Männerstimmen und Klavier ad libitum")
First published: 1818
2nd published: 1833 in Bardenhain (Konrad Kocher), no. 306
3rd published: 1863 in Sammlung von Volksgesängen für den Männerchor (Ignaz Heim), no. 173
4th published: 1863 in Vivat Paulus!, no. A4, p. 446
5th published: 1871 in Liedersammlung für gemischten Chor (Ernst Methfessel), no. A06
6th published: 1891 in Liederschatz für Männerchor (Heinrich Pfeil), no. 51
7th published: 1895 in Geistliche und weltliche Männerchöre (Jakob Heinrich Lützel), no. 2.40
8th published: 1902 in Concordia (Friedrich Wilhelm Sering), no. 3.14
9th published: 1906 in Volksliederbuch für Männerchor, no. 168
Description: Composed for the 59th birthday of Prince Maximilian of Saxony on April 13, 1818. The text used by Ignaz Heim has - with the exception of the first stanza - nothing to do with the birth serenade of Johann Friedrich Kind. The song was also widespread among male choirs with the text "Singet dem Gesang zu Ehren" used in Vivat Paulus!.
According to, it was also sung with the text "Schmückt das Haus mit grünen Zweigen".
In addition, there is version "So viel Sternlein, als da wallen", which is treated separately on page Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe (Carl Maria von Weber), so that it does not become too confusing here.
External websites:
Original text and translations
German text Text zum Titel "Frühlingslied" (Heim, Pfeil etc.): |
German text Text zum Titel "Der Gesang" (Vivat Paulus!): |