Edition notes: From the 16th-century Eton Choirbook manuscript, published as vol. 12 of Musica Britannica, ed. Frank Ll. Harrison, Stainer & Bell Ltd., London, 1961. The notation in the present edition is a tone higher than the original, with time values halved in bars 1-308, where the original time signature in most parts is cut C, but retained in the final section, where most parts have cut circle. The original key is one flat for the bass, one flat for most of the tenor and no flats for the other parts. We have chosen to show the tenor with the same key signature throughout. Thus some tenor accidentals in front of the notes are not really present in the source, but merely reflect the absense of the key signature flat; and we have omitted source accidentals that duplicate the key here. We have emended bars 75-76 in the tenor, adding the dotted half and shortening the two previous notes; and bars 130-131 in the first soprano, tying the note over the barline. We have provided the translation and modified the text underlay and musica ficta. John Hetland and The Renaissance Street Singers. 5/20/99
General Information
Title:Gaude flore virginali a 5 (another is in 4 parts) Composer:Edmund Turges Lyricist:
Gáude spónsa cára Déi,
Nam ut clára lux diéi
Sólis dátur lúmine,
Sic tu fácis órbem vére
Túae pácis resplendére
Lúcis plenitúdine.
Gáude spléndens vas virtútum,
Cúius péndens est ad nútum
Tóta caéli cúria.
Te benígnam et felícem
Jésu dígnam genitrícem
Venerátur in glória.
Gáude néxu voluntátis
Et ampléxu caritátis
Júncta sic altíssimo,
Ut ad vótum consequáris
Quícquid vírgo postuláris
A Jésu dulcíssimo.
Gáude máter miserórum,
Quía páter saeculórum
Dábit te coléntibus
Congruéntem hic mercédem
Et felícem póli sédem
Régnis in caeléstibus.
Gáude vírgo máter Chrísti,
Quía sóla meruísti,
O vírgo piíssima,
Esse tántae dignitátis
Quod sis sánctae trinitátis
Sessióni próxima.
Gáude vírgo máter púra,
Cérta mánens et secúra,
Quod haec séptem gáudia
Non cessábunt nec decréscent
Sed durábunt et floréscent
Per aeténa saécula. Amen.
English translation
Rejoice in the virginal flower,
and special honor,
surpassing the magnificent
leader of the angels
and the host of saints
adorned with worthiness.
Rejoice, dear bride of God,
for as the bright light of day
is given by the lamp of the sun,
so you truly make the circle
of your peace shine
in the fullness of light.
Rejoice, splendid vessel of virtue,
for whose nod waits
the whole court of heaven.
You, kind and blessed,
his worthy mother, Jesus
worships in glory.
Rejoice in the binding of will
and the embrace of love
thus joined in the highest,
that you are faithful to your vow
whatever, O virgin, is asked of you
by sweetest Jesus.
Rejoice, mother of mercy,
for the father of the ages
will give those who worship you
appropriate reward here
and the blessed throne of the world
to rulers in the heavens.
Rejoice, virgin mother of Christ,
For you alone were worthy,
O most holy virgin,
To be of such worthiness
That you may be to the holy trinity
seated nearest.
Rejoice, pure virgin mother,
Remaining certain and secure,
That these seven joys
Will neither end nor decrease
But will last and flourish
Through eternal ages. Amen.