Henry VIII manuscript

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General information

Title: Henry VIII manuscript

Shelf Title: GB-Lbl Add. MS 31922

Genre, Subgenre: Secular, Partsongs.Voices: 6.

Publication date and place: c.1515 in London.

Description: A manuscript containing vocal and instrumental music from the court of Henry VIII, including some works by the monarch himself.

List of works

No. Title Composer Voices Comment
1 Missa Quant j'ai au coeur Isaac, HeinrichHeinrich Isaac 4 'Benedictus' only
2 Fortuna desperata Busnois, AntoineAntoine Busnois 3
3 Allez regrets vuides de ma présence Ghizeghem, Hayne vanHayne van Ghizeghem 3
4 Ein frölich wesen hab ich erlesen Obrecht, JacobJacob Obrecht 4
5 La mi la sol Isaac, HeinrichHeinrich Isaac 4 a contrafact of 'Rogamus te piissima Virgo Maria'
6 Fa la sol Cornysh, WilliamWilliam Cornysh 3
7 Pastime with good company Henry VIII 3
8 Adieu! mes amours Cornysh, WilliamWilliam Cornysh 4
9 Adieu madame et ma maistresse Henry VIII 4
10 Helas madame Henry VIII 4
11 Textless I Anonymous
12 Alas what shall I do for love Henry VIII
13 Hey now now Kempe
14 Alone I live alone Cooper, RobertRobert Cooper 3
15 O my heart and O my heart Henry VIII
16 Adew, adew, my hartis lust Cornysh, WilliamWilliam Cornysh 3
17 Aboffe all thynge now let us synge Farthing, ThomasThomas Farthing
18 Downderry down Daggere, WilliamWilliam Daggere 3
19 Hey now now hey now Farthing, ThomasThomas Farthing
20 In May that lusty season Farthing, ThomasThomas Farthing
21 Canon I Lloyd, JohnJohn Lloyd
22 Whoso that will himself apply Rysbye 4
23 The time of youth is to be spent Henry VIII
24 The thoughts within my breast Farthing, ThomasThomas Farthing
25 My love she mourneth for me Cornysh, WilliamWilliam Cornysh
26 Canon II Lloyd, JohnJohn Lloyd
27 A the sighs that come fro my heart Cornysh, WilliamWilliam Cornysh
28 With sorrowfull sighs Farthing, ThomasThomas Farthing
29 If I had wit for to endyght Anonymous
30 Alack alack what shall I do Henry VIII
31 Hey nonny nonny no Anonymous
32 Canon III Dunstable, JohnJohn Dunstable
33 Green groweth the holly Henry VIII
34 Who so that will all feats obtain Henry VIII
35 Blow thy horn hunter Cornysh, WilliamWilliam Cornysh 3
36 De tous biens plaine Ghizeghem, Hayne vanHayne van Ghizeghem
37 J'ai pris amours Anonymous
38 Adieu courage adieu Cornysh, WilliamWilliam Cornysh
39 Trolly lolly loly lo Cornysh, WilliamWilliam Cornysh
40 I love truly without feigning Farthing, ThomasThomas Farthing
41 You and I and Amyas Cornysh, WilliamWilliam Cornysh
42 O werder mundt von dir ist wundt Anonymous 4
43 La saison en est ou jamais que je cognoisce Compère, LoysetLoyset Compère 3
44 If love now reigned Henry VIII same work as item 48
45 Gentle prince de renom Henry VIII
46 Si Fortune m'a ce bien purchasé Henry VIII
47 Whereto should I express Henry VIII
48 If love now reigned Henry VIII same work as item 44
49 Ah, Robin, gentle Robin Cornysh, WilliamWilliam Cornysh 3
50 Whiles life or breath Cornysh, WilliamWilliam Cornysh
51 Though that men do call it dotage Henry VIII
52 Textless II Henry VIII
53 Paramese tenor Fayrfax, RobertRobert Fayrfax
54 Textless III Henry VIII
55 Textless IV Henry VIII
56 Departure is my chief pain Henry VIII
57 It is to me a right great joy Henry VIII
58 Textless V Henry VIII
59 Textless VI Farthing, ThomasThomas Farthing
60 Textless VII Cornysh, WilliamWilliam Cornysh
61 Textless VIII Henry VIII
62 I have been a foster Cooper, RobertRobert Cooper 3
63 Fare well my joy Cooper, RobertRobert Cooper 3
64 Without discord and both accord Henry VIII
65 I am a jolly foster Anonymous
66 Though some saith Henry VIII 3
67 Madame d'amours Anonymous
68 Adieu adieu le company Anonymous
69 Textless IX Anonymous
70 Textless X Anonymous
71 Textless XI Anonymous
72 Textless XII Henry VIII
73 Textless XIII Henry VIII
74 Deem the best of every doubt Lloyd, JohnJohn Lloyd
75 Hey troly loly loly Henry VIII
76 Textless XIV Henry VIII
77 Textless XV Henry VIII
78 Tannder naken Henry VIII
79 Whoso that will for grace sew Henry VIII
80 Textless XVI Henry VIII
81 En vrai amour Henry VIII
82 Let not us that young men be Henry VIII
83 Dulcis amica Dei Dionisius Prioris 4
84 Textless XVII Anonymous
85 Ami souffrez que je vous aime Isaac, HeinrichHeinrich Isaac
86 Textless XVIII Anonymous
87 Canon V Anonymous
88 Duas partes in unum Anonymous
89 Textless XIX Anonymous
90 Textless XX Anonymous
91 The base of Spain Anonymous
92 Lusty youth should us ensue Henry VIII
93 Now Anonymous
94 Textless XXI Henry VIII
95 Belles sur toutes / Tota pulchra es amica mea Agricola, AlexanderAlexander Agricola 3
96 England be glad Anonymous
97 Pray we to God that all may guide Anonymous
98 Textless XXII Henry VIII
99 Fors seulement Févin, Antoine deAntoine de Févin 3
100 Textless XXII Anonymous
101 And I war a maiden Anonymous 5
102 Why shall not I Anonymous
103 What remedy what remedy Anonymous
104 Where be ye my love Anonymous 3
105 Quid petis, O fili? Pygott, RichardRichard Pygott 4
106 My thought oppressed Anonymous
107 Somewhat musing Fayrfax, RobertRobert Fayrfax 3
108 I love unloved Anonymous 3
109 Hey troly loly lo Anonymous

Works at CPDL

Title Composer No. Subgenre Vo. Voices
Adew, adew, my hartis lust William Cornysh 16 Madrigals 3 TTB
Adieu! mes amours William Cornysh 8 Chansons 4 SATT
Ah, Robin, gentle Robin William Cornysh 49 Madrigals 3 SSA
Alone I live alone Robert Cooper 14 Canons 3 TTT
Blow thy horn hunter William Cornysh 35 Madrigals 3 STB,ATB
Downderry down William Daggere 18 Canons 3 3 equal voices, SSA, TTB
Dulcis amica Dei Dionisius Prioris 83 Motets 4 SATB
Fare well my joy Robert Cooper 63 Partsongs 3 TTB
Fors seulement Antoine de Févin 99 Chansons 3 SAT
Fortuna desperata Antoine Busnois 2 Madrigals 3 STB
Helas madame Henry VIII 10 Chansons 4 STTB
I have been a foster Robert Cooper 62 Partsongs 3 TBB
I love unloved Anonymous 108 Partsongs 3 ATB
Pastime with good company Henry VIII 7 Madrigals 3, 4 ATB, SATB
Quid petis, O fili? Richard Pygott 105 Motets 4 SATB
Somewhat musing Robert Fayrfax 107 Partsongs 3 ATB
Though some saith Henry VIII 66 Partsongs 3 SAB
Where be ye, my love? Anonymous 104 Partsongs 3 SAB
Whoso that will himself apply Rysbye 22 Madrigals 4 SSTB


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