Huc me sydereo / Plangent eum (Josquin des Prez)

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  • (Posted 2013-07-20)  CPDL #29687:        (Sibelius 7)
Editor: Raymond Nagem (submitted 2013-07-20).   Score information: Letter, 14 pages, 146 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Transposed up a minor third. Note values halved. The Sextus (or "Vagans") part is almost certainly not by Josquin.

General Information

Title: Huc me sydereo / Plangent eum
Composer: Josquin des Prez
Lyricist: Maffeo Vegiocreate page

Number of voices: 5 or 6vv   Voicings: SATTBB, SATTB or SATB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

    Manuscript c.1514 in Cappella Sistina MS 45, no. 13
First published: 1538 in Novum et insigne opus musicum (Ott and Formschneider), Volume 2, no. 1
    2nd published: 1558 in Novum et insigne opus musicum (Berg and Neuber), Volume 1, no. 6
Description: The perfection of the 5-part writing has been interpreted as suggesting that the sextus was added later, possibly by a different composer. Brussels 9126 has a 4vv version lacking both sextus & tenor, yet performable with only very slight awkwardness.

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Huc me sydereo descendere jussit Olympo
hic me crudeli vulnere fixit amor.
Langueo nec quisquam nostro succurrit amori
quem nequeunt dure frangere jura crucis.
Pungentem capiti Dominum gestare coronam
fortis amor docuit verbera tanta pati.

Felle sitim magni regis satiavit amaro
pectus ut hauriret lancea fecit amor.
De me solus amor potuit perferre triumphum
ille pedes clavis fixit et ille manus.
Si cupis ergo animi mihi signa rependere grati
dilige pro tantis sat mihi solus amor.
Tenor: Plangent eum quasi unigenitum quia innocens Dominus occisus est.

English.png English translation

Here love ordered me to come down from starry Olympus,
And struck me with a cruel wound.
I languish, and none comes to help my love,
Which the harsh law of the Cross cannot break.
Strong love taught the Lord to wear the piercing crown on his head,
To suffer such blows.

Love satisfied the thirst of your great King with bitter gall,
And caused the lance to drain his breast.
Love alone was able to triumph over me;
It pierced my hands and feet with nails.
If, therefore, you wish to repay me with the signs of a grateful spirit,
Love that above all which alone can satisfy me: love.
Tenor: They weep for him as for an only son, for the innocent Lord has been killed.