In my image (Casey Anno)

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  • (Posted 2016-09-28)  CPDL #41271:        (Finale 2012) (Finale 2014.5)
Editor: Casey Anno (submitted 2016-09-28).   Score information: Letter, 6 pages, 283 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: In my image
Composer: Casey Anno
Lyricist: Rudy Bullman

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: Sacred

Language: English
Instruments: Keyboard

First published: 2015
Description: In My Image, a SATB hymn, is an intimate affirmation of the goodness of God's creation.

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

In my image I have made you, breathed the breath of life into you.
Woman and man, I have made you good.

The heaven and earth, the day and the night I crafted with loving hand.
The sky up above, the water below I made and saw it was good.

The oceans and seas, the mountains and plains I crafted with loving hand.
The sun and the moon, the stars burning bright I made and saw it was good.

The creatures in water and those in the sky I crafted with loving hand.
The beasts on the land who run and who creep I made and saw it was good.