Io son ferito Amore (Hans Leo Hassler)

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  • (Posted 2021-10-21)  CPDL #66355:         
Editor: Gerhard Weydt (submitted 2021-10-21).   Score information: A4, 9 pages, 142 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Transposed down a fourth because of the chiavette used.

General Information

Title: Io son ferito Amore
Composer: Hans Leo Hassler
Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SecularCanzonetta

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1590 in Canzonette (Hans Leo Hassler), no. 9
    2nd published: 1597 in Fiori del Giardino, no. 3

External websites:

Original text and translations

The fourth line could well be a misreading: instead of „più non la vegg[io], io affrett[o] il piede“ it could read „più non la veggio, affretta il piede“, meaning then „I don’t see her any more, she hastens her steps.“

Italian.png Italian text

Io son ferito, Amore,
D’un stral pungent’al core,
E quella che mi diede
Fugge, più non vegg’,io affrett’il piede.

Crudel aspra vendetta
Farei, ma non aspetta
Quella che per mia sorte
Fugge, e fuggendo mi conduce a morte.

Dunque che farò io
Al aspro dolor mio,
Che quella che vorrei
Fugge, e fuggendo accresce i dolor miei?

Amor, rimedia al male,
Al colpo aspro e mortale,
Questo è meglior partita,
Poi che non voi piagar che m’ha ferita.

German.png German translation

Ich bin getroffen, Amor,
durch einen spitzen Pfeil im Herz,
und die, die mir das tat,
flieht, ich sehe sie nicht mehr, ich beschleunige den Schritt.

Grausame, wilde Rache
würde ich nehmen, aber es wartet nicht
diejenige, die zu meinem Unglück
flieht, und fliehend mich zum Tod führt.

Was tue ich nun
mit meinem grausamen Schmerz,
da diejenige, dich wollte,
flieht, und fliehend meinen Schmerz vergrößert?

Amor, heile das Übel,
den grausamen und tödlichen Schlag,
das ist die beste Lösung,
da du sie nicht verwunden willst, die mich getroffen hat.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt
English.png English translation

I am struck, Amor,
in the heart by a sharp arrow,
and she who did it
flees, I don’t see her any more, I hasten my steps.

Cruel bitter vengeance
I would take, but she doesn’t wait,
she that to my misfortune
flees, and fleeeing leads me to death.

What shall I do now
with my bitter grief,
as she I would have
flees, and fleeing increases my pain?

Amor, heal the malady,
the bitter and deadly strike,
this is the best solution,
as you are not willing to wound her who has struck me.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt