Jakob Reiner
Aliases: Jacob Reiner; Jacopo Reinero
Born: c.1560
Died: 12 August 1606
(b Altdorf, nr Weingarten, Württemberg, before 1560; d Weingarten, 12 Aug 1606). German composer. According to the dedication of his Liber cantionum sacrarum (1579) he was educated as a boy at the abbey of Weingarten. He continued his studies under Lassus in Munich in 1574–5, and on completing them returned to the abbey, where he spent the rest of his life, without, however, taking holy orders. Here he enjoyed high esteem as Kapellmeister, teacher of music and composer. His numerous workmanlike compositions, nearly all of them sacred, became known beyond the immediate vicinity of Weingarten. They show the influence of Lassus and also of Venetian composers; with the more important Leonhard Lechner and Eccard, Reiner belongs to the German school of Lassus. Compared with Lassus's penitential psalms, his three-part settings of the same texts have a positively ascetic simplicity. Expressive restraint of this and similar kinds, such as the avoidance of chromaticism, is probably connected with the greater liturgical severity practised at the abbey after a visitation in 1579. But Reiner did use secular models in some of his masses. His secular German songs, compounded of elements of madrigal, villanella and chanson, are weaker examples of the products of the Lassus circle.
List of choral works
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- Liber cantionum sacrarum, 5–6vv (Munich, 1579)
- Schöne newe teutsche Lieder, 4–5vv, sambt 2 … lateinischen Liedlein (Munich, 1581)
- Cantionum piarum septem psalmi poenitentiales, 3vv (Munich, 1586)
- Christliche Gesänge, teutsche Psalmen, 3vv (Dillingen, 1589)
- Selectae piaeque cantiones, 6–10vv (Munich, 1591)
- Cantica sive mutetae ex sacris desumptae, Magnificat, 4–5vv (Konstanz, 1595)
- Liber mottetarum sive cantionum sacrarum, 6–8vv (Munich, 1600)
- Liber motetarum sive cantionum sacrarum, 6vv (Dillingen, 1603, 2/1606)
- Sacrarum missarum, liber 1, 6vv (Dillingen, 1604)
- Gloriosissimae virginis … Magnificat, antiphona, Salve regina, 8vv (Frankfurt, 1604)
- Missae tres cum litaniis de SS sanguine Christi, liber 1, 8vv (Dillingen, 1604)
- Missae aliquot sacrae cum officio BMV et antiphonis ejusdem, 3–4vv (Dillingen, 1608)