Las Mañanitas (James W. Keefe)

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  • (Posted 2012-10-06)  CPDL #27280:        (Finale 2011)
Editor: James W. Keefe (submitted 2012-10-06).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 29 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Las Mañanitas
Composer: Anonymous (Traditional) Mexican

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredCarol

Language: Spanish
Instruments: Guitar

First published: 2008

External websites:

Original text and translations

Spanish.png Spanish text

Estas son las mañanitas, que cantaba el Rey David,
Hoy por ser día de tu santo, te las cantamos a ti,
Despierta, mi bien, despierta, mira que ya amaneció,
Ya los pajarillos cantan, la luna ya se metió.

Que linda está la mañana en que vengo a saludarte,
Venimos todos con gusto y placer a felicitarte,
Ya viene amaneciendo, ya la luz del día nos dio,
Levántate de mañana, mira que ya amaneció.

English.png English translation

These are the songs that David sang.
Today because it is the day of your saint, we sing them to you.
Wake up my dear, wake up, see the day has dawned.
The birds sing, the moon has set.

How lovely is the morning in which I come to greet you,
We all come with joy and pleasure to congratulate you,
The dawn has come, the light of day is given to us.
Get up with the morning and see that it has dawned.