Let rain come down today (Thurlow Weed)

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  • (Posted 2014-12-26)  CPDL #33861:       
Editor: Thurlow Weed (submitted 2014-12-26).   Score information: Letter, 1 page, 20 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Let rain come down today
Composer: Thurlow Weed
Lyricist: Michael Hudson

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredHymn for Baptism, Epiphany I   Meter: 66. 66

Language: English
Instruments: Keyboard

First published: 2014

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

1. Let rain come down today,
a rain to bathe the soul;
across our wide, dry skies,
let great, dark rain clouds roll.

2. Let streams run strong today,
to carry, fresh and clear
the ancient, fluid voice
that draw a pilgrim near.

3. Let us go down today
like Jesus did before
to find and to pass through
the water's open door.

From Songs for the Cycle ©2004 by Michael Hudson.
Church Publishing Incorporated. All rights reserved. Used by permission.