Edition notes: Source: J. Regis: Opera omnia, ed. Cornelis Lindenberg, A.I.M., 1956. Notation here is a fourth higher than the original with time values halved. Translation is by Quintus Latin Translation Service and John Hetland. Text underlay and musica ficta by John Hetland and The Renaissance Street Singers. 30 May 2005
General Information
Title: Lux solempnis adest Composer:Johannes Regis Lyricist:
Lux solémpnis ádest rútilans digníssima laúde
ac mérito cúnctis célebri veneránda decóre.
Spíritus e célso míssus qua nóscitur órbe ástra
pétens Chrístus dáre quem spospóndit alúmpnis.
Hinc plebs in Dómino per clímata cúncta resúltet,
hinc clángor résonet modulántis cármine pléctri:
fésta díes áderat felícia témpora sígnans.
Cúmque repentíno sónitu comitánte refúlsit,
discípulos súper in línguis igníque resédens,
elóquio dítans íllos et dógmate tánto,
ut sic intrépidi Chrísti magnália fántur
ómnium lignuárum génere cúnctis stupefáctis.
Nec mírum si tánta síbi súbito patuérunt est,
úbi pnéuma dócens nam fit móra núlla docéndo.
Imbuit, illústrat, dispónit, síngula cómplet
et válidum nihil est ípso síne nílque beátum.
Hic Déus est nóster persónaque térna perénnis
qui genitóque pátri cómpar ab utróque procédit.
Múnere nos ígitur lúcis tánte radiántis
láudes altitónas cánimus tíbi, Spíritus álme,
praesídio fámulis rogitántes pérpes ut ádsis,
túrbida reíciens, pácis tranquílla refúndens,
péctoris íma rígans dónis septémplicis ímber
cárnis et infírma róborans virtúte supérna.
English translation
A solemn day has arrived, radiant with the most worthy praise,
a holiday deservedly to be revered by all with honor.
The Spirit has been sent from heavenly sphere where he is acknowledged,
whom Christ, when he sought the stars, promised to give to his followers.
So let the people in all climes rejoice in the Lord,
so let the sound of the lyre echo as it makes music.
A festive day has come, indicating happy times.
And with an accompanying sudden cry of joy, it has shone on us,
settling over the disciples in tongues of fire,
enriching them with eloquence and such great teaching
that thus fearless, they speak of the mighty works of Christ
in the manner of all tongues, leaving everyone astonished.
Nor is it surprising if such great things are suddenly revealed to them,
for when the spirit teaches, there is no delay in teaching.
He trains, illuminates, arranges, and completes all things,
and nothing is strong without him, nor blessed.
This is our God and the third eternal person,
who, equal to the Begotten and the Father, proceeds from both.
And so we, through the gift of such radiant light,
sing lofty-sounding praises to you, loving Spirit,
asking that you be ever present as a protection for families,
casting aside troubles, replacing them with calm peace,
a shower watering the depths of our hearts with seven-fold gifts,
and strengthening our weak flesh with heavenly virtue.