Missa Ista est speciosa (Pierre de la Rue)

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  • (Posted 2013-12-29)  CPDL #30864:      (XML)
Editor: Renato Calcaterra (submitted 2013-12-29).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 106 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:


  • (Posted 2013-12-29)  CPDL #30865:      (XML)
Editor: Renato Calcaterra (submitted 2013-12-29).   Score information: A4, 7 pages, 169 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:


  • (Posted 2013-12-29)  CPDL #30866:      (XML)
Editor: Renato Calcaterra (submitted 2013-12-29).   Score information: A4, 11 pages, 231 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:


  • (Posted 2013-12-29)  CPDL #30867:    (MIDI) (XML)
Editor: Renato Calcaterra (submitted 2013-12-29).   Score information: A4, 6 pages, 153 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: The MIDI and the source (MusicXML) files are zipped

Agnus Dei

  • (Posted 2013-12-29)  CPDL #30868:    (MIDI) (XML)
Editor: Renato Calcaterra (submitted 2013-12-29).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 135 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: The MIDI and the source (MusicXML) files are zipped

General Information

Title: Kyrie - Missa Ista est speciosa
Composer: Pierre de la Rue

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: ATTBB
Genre: SacredMass

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

    Manuscript c.1513 in D-Ju MS 4, no. 23-27
    Manuscript 1515 in D-Ju MS 2, no. 6–10
Description: “Missa de sanctissima virgine maria” transcribed from the Jena University Misc. Chorbuch Nr. 2 – 1512/25. To see the facsimile of the manuscript follow the external link below and click “Collections” tab. The time signatures, notes' values, accidentals and colourings are as in the manuscript. The perfect notes and rests have been dotted and ties have been used for the notes' values that cannot be exactly represented. The notes' values within the "ligaturæ" are as follows: the left upstemmed notes are semibreves - the unstemmed notes are breves – the right dowstemmed notes are longæ. The “musica ficta” suggestions are in the MIDI and MusicXML files.

External websites:

Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Ista est speciosa
inter filias Iherusalem
Viderunt eam filiæ Syon,
et beatissimam prædicaverunt,
et reginæ faciem eius laudaverunt.

"Pleni" versus dicta:

'Carmina que(i) quondam studio florente peregi'

(Boetii Mallii Severini
De Philosophica Consolatione
Liber Primus)

Tenor secundus
'Flebilis heu mestos cogor inire modos'

(Boetii Mallii Severini
De Philosophica Consolatione
Liber Primus)

'Cantabat(it) vacuus coram latrone viator'

(Decimi Iunii Iuvenalis lapidaria)

Italian.png Italian translation

Costei è magnifica
fra le figlie di Gerusalemme
La videro le figlie di Sion,
e la proclamarono beatissima,
e le regine lodarono la sua avvenenza.

Motti del “Pleni”

'Io che un tempo scrissi carmi con vigoroso slancio'

Tenor secondo
'Sono costretto dolente ad intonare meste melodie'

'Il viandante squattrinato può cantare in faccia al rapinatore'

English.png English translation

She is magnificent
among the daughters of Jerusalem.
The Zion's daughters saw her,
and declared her very blessed,
and the queens praised her attractiveness.

“Pleni” mottos

'I who formerly wrote verses with handsome enthusiasm'

Second Tenor
'I'm forced sorrowful to sing sad melodies'

'The empty-handed traveler can sing before the robber'