Mo magari colona (Orazio Vecchi)

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  • (Posted 2009-04-12)  CPDL #19232:  Icon_pdf_globe.gif Icon_snd_globe.gif Icon_zip_globe.gif (MusiXTex)
Editor: Christian Mondrup (submitted 2009-04-12).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 71 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: MusiXTex file is zipped.

General Information

Title: Mo magari colona
Composer: Orazio Vecchi

Number of voices: 3vv   Voicing: SAT
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1590 in Selva di varia ricreatione, no. 19

External websites:

Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Mo magari colona
Che ti fuss' il mio ben
Che ti vorraue
Darte la chiaue
De le mie Zoie
Ma su st'e doie
Daspuo che ti cognosso hò sempr' habuo
Dal fatto to
Ah mariola ah lara
L'ho ben sapuo
Che no t'è cara
La mia Pantolonissima persona
Perche mi daila foia
La quadra la moia
La mare d'Orlando
Co dirm'è voio e mai no dise quando
Ma sastu zo che digo
Che chi no me vuol ben no'l stim'un figo.

English.png English translation

Oh if only my love could be a support for you,
I'll give you the key of my delight.
But with those sufferings,
from the moment I met you
for this reason, oh rascal,
I know very well that you don't like my Pantalonian person,
because you give me
four time more lust than Orlando
when you say to me
that you will, but not when.
But, listen what I say to you:
I'm not worth anything for her who doesn't love me!

Translation by Luigi Cataldi