Monsieur Robbin (Orlando di Lasso)

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  • (Posted 2017-06-17)  CPDL #45017:     
Editor: Richard Mix (submitted 2017-06-17).   Score information: Letter, 3 pages, 46 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Maistre Robbin
Composer: Orlando di Lasso
Lyricist: Clement Marot

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SecularChanson

Language: French
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1564 in Premier livre des chansons a 4 et 5 parties, no. 17
    2nd published: 1592 in La fleur des chansons, no. 5
Description:  The lyrics of this chanson are identical to Orlando di Lasso's Monsieur l'Abbé, a setting of one of Marot's Epigrammes, with the words "Maitre Robbin" substituted for "Monsieur l'Abbé."

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Original text and translations

French.png French text

Maistre Robbin et monsieur son valet
sont faix égaux tous deux comme de cire :
l’un est grand fol, l’autre petit folet,
l’un veut railler, l’autre gaudir et rire,
l’un boit du bon, l’autre boit du pire.

Mais un débat au soir entre eulx s’esmeult
car maistre Robbin toute la nuit ne veult
être sans vin que sans secours ne meure
et son valet jamais dormir ne peult
tandis qu’au pot une goutte en demeure.

English.png English translation

Good Master Robbin and his servant man
Are as alike as two men can appear:
One’s head is of straw, the other’s rattan,
One makes merry, the other makes good cheer,
One drinks the best, the other takes small beer.

One evening a fight between them broke out
For all the night Master Robbin would pout
If his wine was not constantly topped up
And his poor valet got no sleep throughout
Lest there be at least a drop in the cup.

Translation by Thomas Daughton