Musica Deo sacra (Thomas Tomkins)

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Title: Musica Deo sacra & ecclesiae Anglicanae, or, Musick dedicated to the honor and service of God, and to the use of the cathedral and other churches of England, especially of the Chappel-Royal of King Charles the First

Composer: Thomas Tomkins
Description: Tomkins's Musica Deo sacra was published posthumously at London by William Godbid in 1668, under the supervision of the composer's son Nathaniel.

Publication date and place: 1668 by William Godbid in London.

A modern edition of the service music was published in Tudor Church Music (vol. 8), edited by Alexander Ramsbotham. A modern edition of the anthems was published in Early English Church Music (vols. 5, 9, 14, 27, 37, & 39), edited by Bernard Rose.

Early English Books Online (subscription required) has scans of the original part-books.

Rose # Title Text Liturgical use / Theme Voicing
First ("Short") Service:

Te Deum
Decalogue responses
Nunc dimittis

Morning Prayer

Holy Eucharist

Evening Prayer

SATB, Organ
Second Service:

Te Deum
Decalogue responses
Nunc dimittis

Morning Prayer

Holy Eucharist

Evening Prayer

(4vv, Organ)
Third ("Great") Service:
  • Te Deum
  • Jubilate
  • Magnificat
  • Nunc dimittis

Te Deum
Nunc dimittis

Morning Prayer

Evening Prayer

(6/10vv, Organ)
Fourth (verse) Service:
  • Te Deum
  • Magnificat
  • Nunc dimittis

Te Deum
Nunc dimittis

Morning Prayer

Evening Prayer

(6/6vv, Organ)
Fifth (verse) Service:

Te Deum
Nunc dimittis

Morning Prayer

Evening Prayer

(5/5vv, Organ)
O Lord, open thou our lips Preces and Responses SAATB
O clap your hands together Psalm 47 (Ascension) SAATB
Lord, who shall dwell in thy tabernacle? Psalm 15 SAATB
1 Almighty God, which hast given Collect for Christmas Day Christmas Day Verse anthem for MMTTBarBB, MMTTBarBB choir & Organ
2 Steven, being full of the Holy Ghost Acts 7:55-56 St. Stephen
3 Merciful Lord, we beseech thee Collect for St. John's Day St. John the Evangelist Verse anthem for MTBarB soloists, MMTTBarB choir & Organ
4 Almighty God, whose praise this day Collect for Innocents Day Holy Innocents Verse anthem for MMTBarB soloists, MMTTBarB choir & Organ
5 Almighty and everlasting God, we humbly beseech Collect for the Purification Purification Verse anthem for MMT soloists, MMTTBarB choir & Organ
IV/29 Almighty and everlasting God, who hatest nothing Collect for Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday Full anthem for MTBarB choir & Organ
6 Christ rising again from the dead Romans 6:9-10, 1 Corinthians 15:20-21, 23 Easter Day Verse anthem for bass, tenor, and mean, SAATB, Organ
7 Almighty God, which hast instructed thy holy Church Collect for St. Mark's Day St. Mark the Evangelist Verse anthem for MTBarB soloists, MTBarB choir & Organ
8 O Lord, grant the King a long life Psalm 61:6-8 Coronation anthem
9 Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness Song of Solomon 3:6-8 St. George SATTB, Organ
10 God, which as upon this day Collect for Whitsunday Whitsunday Verse anthem for MMTTBarB or SSAATB soloists, MMTTBarBarBB or SSAATTBB choir, and Organ
11 Almighty God, which hast knit together Collect for All Saints Day All Saints Verse anthem for MMTTBarBarBB or SSAATTBB soloists, MMTTBarBarBB or SSAATTBB choir, and Organ
IV/30 Burial sentences:

John 11:25-26
Job 19:25-27
1 Timothy 6:7, Job 1:21
Revelation 14:13

Funeral anthem SATB, Organ
14 Above the stars my Saviour dwells "An Hymne" Verse anthem for tenor, MMTTBarB, Organ
V/5 Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom Fifth collect after Communion MTTBarB or SAATB
V/6 Arise, O Lord, into thy resting place Psalm 132:8-10 MTTBarB
V/14 Arise, O Lord God, lift up thine hand "A prayer" MTBarBarB, Organ
25 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel Psalm 106:46 verse anthem for SA (full SSAATBB)
VI/4 Be strong and of a good courage Joshua 1:7 Coronation anthem MMTTBarBB
12 Behold, I bring you glad tidings Luke 2:10-11, 14 Christmas Verse anthem for Mean, MMTTTTBarBarBB, Organ
36 Behold, it is Christ Acts 10:42-43
27 Behold, the hour cometh John 4:23, Luke 12:42
29 Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord Isaiah 2:3, 5
35 Deliver me from mine enemies, O God Psalm 59:1-2, Psalm 60:11-12
22 Give sentence with me Psalm 43 Verse anthem for BB, MTTBarBB choir & Organ
V/7 Great and marvellous Revelation 15:3b-4 MTTBarB
40 Glory be to God on high Gloria Holy Eucharist (10vv)
V/8 Have mercy upon me, O God Psalm 51:1 MTTBarB or SAATB
V/15 He that hath pity on the poor Proverbs 19:17 SATTB
23 Hear my prayer, O Lord Psalm 102:1-2 ATB
19 Hear my prayer, O Lord Psalm 39:13-15 Verse anthem for bass (and later mean), STTB or SATB, Organ
26 Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness Psalm 4 SSATB
V/1 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth Sanctus Holy Eucharist SSATB
24 I will lift up mine eyes Psalm 121 Verse anthem for TT soloists, MTTBarB, Organ
31 Leave, O my soul (text by Joseph Hall) Verse anthem for MMTB soloists, MTTBarB choir & Organ
V/9 Lord, enter not into judgment

Non nobis Domine, non nobis

Psalm 143:2

Vulgate Psalm 113:9

15 My Shepherd is the living Lord Psalm 23:1-2, 5 Verse anthem for alto, SATB, Organ
28 My beloved spake unto me Song of Solomon 2:10-13 Verse anthem for MMTB, MTBarB choir & Organ
32 Not in the merits of what I have done
IV/26 O be favourable Psalm 51:18 full anthem SATB
VI/6 O God, the proud are risen Psalm 86:14-15 SSAATTBB
V/10 O God, wonderful art thou Psalm 68:35 MTTBarB
34 O that the salvation were given unto Israel Psalm 53:7-8 verse anthem for SSBB and SSAATTBB choir, with Organ
VI/3 O Israel, if thou return Jeremiah 4:1 (6vv)
37 O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer Psalm 84:8-9
VI/1 O Lord, graciously accept these alms

Blessed is he that considers

"A prayer" (6vv)
V/11 O Lord, I have loved Psalm 26:8-9 SAATB
16 O Lord, let me know mine end Psalm 39:5-8 Verse anthem for tenor, MTTBarB, Organ
38 O Lord, thou hast dealt graciously Psalm 119
30 O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (with organ) Psalm 122:6-9 verse anthem
IV/27 O pray for the peace of Jerusalem Psalm 122:6 full, SSTB
VI/7 O praise the Lord, all ye heathen Psalm 117 full anthem for SSSAAATTTBBB
V/2 O praise the Lord, all ye heathen Psalm 117 MMTBarB
13 Out of the deep a 4 (verse anthem) Psalm 130 verse anthem for mean and SATB
VI/5 O sing unto the Lord a new song Psalm 149:1-2 SSAATBB
39 Praise the Lord, O my soul (to the organ) Psalm 103 verse, SATB (full SATB)
IV/28 Praise the Lord, O my soul (full) Psalm 103:1-2 SSTB
18 Praise the Lord, O ye servants Psalm 113 verse anthem for tenor, MTBarB or SATB choir, Organ
20 Sing unto God Psalm 68:32-35 Verse anthem for bass (and later mean), MTTBarB, Organ
33 The Lord, even the most mighty God hath spoken Psalm 50:1-6
V/3 Then David mourned 2 Samuel 1:17 (6vv)
21 Thou art my King O God Psalm 44:5-9 Verse anthem for bass & SAATB or MTTBarB, Organ
41 Turn thou us, O good Lord Last collect in the commination Ash Wednesday SAATB, SSATBB verses
IV/31 Turn thou us, O good Lord (4 parts in one) Last collect in the commination Ash Wednesday MTBarB, in canon
17 Who can tell how oft he offendeth Psalm 19:12-15
V/4 Why art thou so full of heaviness

Domine tu eruisti animam

Psalm 42:6-7

after Isaiah 38:17

V/13 Withdraw not thou thy mercy Psalm 40:14-16 SAATB
V/12 When David heard 2 Samuel 18:33 SAATB or ATTBB
VI/2 Who shall ascend the hill of God? Psalm 24:3-5 MMTTBarB
IV/20 Give ear unto my words [first part]
(IV/20) My voice shalt thou hear [second part]
IV/21 The heavens declare the glory of God Psalm 19:1-4 TTBB
IV/22 O Lord, how manifold are thy works Psalm 104:24 TTBB
IV/23 Remember me, O Lord Psalm 106:4 TTBB
IV/24 O how amiable are thy dwellings Psalm 84:1-2 TTBB
IV/25 O give thanks unto the Lord Psalm 105:1-2 TBarBarB
IV/1 O Lord, open thou our lips BCP SAT
IV/2 Arise, O Lord, and have mercy upon Sion Psalm 102:13 MTB or SAB
IV/3 O Lord, rebuke me not in thy anger Psalm 6:1-2 First Penitential SAT or ATB
IV/4 Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven Psalm 32:1-2 2nd Penitential ATB
IV/5 Put me not to rebuke, O Lord Psalm 38:1-3 3rd Penitential ATB
IV/6 Have mercy upon me, O God Psalm 51:1 4th Penitential SAT, SAB or ATB
IV/7 Hear my prayer, O good Lord, and let my crying Psalm 102:1-2 5th Penitential ATB
IV/8 Out of the deep have I called Psalm 130:1-2 6th Penitential full anthem for ATB
IV/9 Hear my prayer, O Lord, and consider my desire Psalm 143:1-2 7th Penitential full anthem for AAB
IV/10 Whom have I in heaven but thee? Psalm 73:24 full anthem for ATB
IV/11 O Lord God of hosts Psalm 89:9 MTB
IV/12 Thou healest the broken in heart Psalm 147:3 ATB
IV/13 I have gone astray like a sheep that is lost Psalm 119:176 ATB
IV/14 Glory be to the Father Gloria Patri MTB
IV/15 O Lord, do away as the night ? ATB
IV/16 O Lord, how glorious are thy works Psalm 92:5-6 SST
IV/17 Awake up my glory, awake my lute and harp Psalm 57:9 SAB
IV/18 The hills stand about Jerusalem Psalm 126:2 SST
IV/19 Deal with me, O Lord Psalm 109:20 SAT or ATB
Ye children which do serve the Lord Psalm 113 (Old Version) SATB

Works at CPDL

Title Year No. Genre Subgenre Vo. Voices
Above the stars my Saviour dwells 1668 14 Sacred Verse anthems 6 AATTBB
Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom 1668 5.5 Sacred Anthems 5 STTBB,SAATB
Almighty God, which hast instructed 1668 7 Sacred Verse anthems 4 ATBB
Almighty God, which hast knit together 1668 11 Sacred Verse anthems 8 AATTBBBB, SSAATTBB
Almighty God, whose praise this day 1668 4 Sacred Verse anthems 6 SATTBB
Almighty and everlasting God, we humbly beseech 1668 5 Sacred Verse anthems 6 AATTBB
Almighty and everlasting God, who hatest nothing 1668 4.29 Sacred Anthems 4 STBB, SATB
Arise, O Lord, and have mercy 1668 4.2 Sacred Anthems 3 ATB, SAB
Arise, O Lord, into thy resting place 1668 5.6 Sacred Anthems 5 SAATB, ATTBB
Arise, O Lord God, lift up thine hand 1668 5.14 Sacred Anthems 5 ATBBB
Awake up, my glory 1668 4.17 Sacred Anthems 3 SAB
Behold, I bring you glad tidings 1668 12 Sacred Verse anthems 10 AATTTTBBBB
Blessed is he 1668 4.4 Sacred Anthems 3 ATB
Christ rising again from the dead 1668 6 Sacred Verse anthems 4 Choral ATB soli
Deal with me, O Lord 1668 4.19 Sacred Anthems 3 SAT, ATB
Glory be to the Father 1668 4.14 Sacred Anthems 3 ATB
God, which as upon this day 1668 10 Sacred Verse anthems 8 AATTBBBB, SSAATTBB
Great and marvellous are thy works 1668 5.7 Sacred Anthems 5 ATTBB
Have mercy upon me, O God 1668 5.8 Sacred Anthems 5 ATTBB, SAATB
Have mercy upon me, O God a 3 1668 4.6 Sacred Anthems 3 SAT, SAB, ATB
Hear my prayer, O Lord, and with thine ears 1668 19 Sacred Verse anthems 4 STTB, SATB
Hear my prayer, O Lord 1668 23 Sacred Anthems 3 ATB
I am the resurrection and the life 1668 4.30 Sacred Anthems 4 SATB
I heard a voice from heaven 1668 4.30 Sacred Anthems 4 SATB
I know that my Redeemer liveth 1668 4.30 Sacred Burial services 4 SATB
I will lift up mine eyes 1668 24 Sacred Verse anthems 5 STTBB
Leave, O my soul 1668 31 Sacred Verse anthems 5 ATTBB
Lord, who shall dwell 1668   Sacred Anthems 5 SAATB
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis from The Fifth Service 1668   Sacred Evening Canticles 4 SATB
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis from The First Service 1668   Sacred Evening Canticles 4 SATB
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis from The Second Service 1668   Sacred Evening Canticles 4 SATB
Merciful Lord, we beseech thee 1668 3 Sacred Verse anthems 6 AATTBB
Morning Canticles from The First Service 1668   Sacred Morning Canticles 4 SATB
Morning canticles from The Second Service 1668   Sacred Morning Canticles 4 SATB
My shepherd is the living Lord 1668 15 Sacred Anthems 4 SATB
O God, the proud are risen 1668 6.6 Sacred Anthems 8 SSAATTBB
O God, wonderful art thou 1668 5.10 Sacred Anthems 5 STTBB
O Lord, how manifold are thy works 1668 4.22 Sacred Anthems 4 TTBB
O Lord, let me know mine end 1668 16 Sacred Verse anthems 5 STTBB
O Lord, rebuke me not 1668   Sacred Anthems 3 SAT, ATB
O Lord God of hosts 1668 4.11 Sacred Anthems 3 ATB
O clap your hands 1668   Sacred Anthems 5 SAATB
O give thanks 1668 4.25 Sacred Anthems 4 TTBB, ATTB
O how amiable 1668 4.24 Sacred Anthems 4 TTBB
O praise the Lord a 12 1668 6.7 Sacred Anthems 12 SSSAAATTTBBB,AAATTTTTTBBB
O praise the Lord a 5 1668 5.2 Sacred Anthems 5 AATBB
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem 1668 4.27 Sacred Anthems 4 SSTB
O sing unto the Lord a new song 1668 6.5 Sacred Anthems 7 AATTBBB, SSAATBB
O that the salvation were given 1668 34 Sacred Verse anthems 8 SSAATTBB
Out of the deep a 3 1668 4.8 Sacred Anthems 3 ATB
Out of the deep a 4 1668 13 Sacred Verse anthems 4 SATB
Praise the Lord, O my soul 1668 4.28 Sacred Anthems 4 SSTB
Praise the Lord, O ye servants 1668 18 Sacred Verse anthems 4 ATBB, SATB
Preces and Responses 1668   Sacred Preces and Responses 5 SAATB
Put me not to rebuke, O Lord 1668 4.5 Sacred Anthems 3 SAT
Remember me, O Lord 1668 4.23 Sacred Anthems 4 AATB, TTBB
Seven Penitential Psalms 1668 4.3 Sacred Anthems 3 SAT,ATB
Sing unto God 1668 20 Sacred Verse anthems 5 ATTBB
The heavens declare the glory of God 1668 4.21 Sacred Anthems 4 TTBB
Thou art my King O God 1668 21 Sacred Verse anthems 5 Choral bass solo
Turn thou us, O good Lord a4 1668 4.31 Sacred Anthems 4 ATBB
We brought nothing into this world 1668 4.30 Sacred Burial services 4 SATB
When David heard 1622 5.12 Sacred Anthems 5 SAATB, ATTBB
Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness 1668 9 Sacred Motets 5 SATTB
Who shall ascend 1668 6.2 Sacred Anthems 6 AATTBB
Ye children which do serve the Lord 1668   Sacred Hymns 4 SATB