O dive custos auriacae domus, Z 504 (Henry Purcell)

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  • (Posted 2023-08-20)  CPDL #74929:       
Editor: Ben Newton (submitted 2023-08-20).   Score information: A4, 12 pages, 167 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: This is based on my earlier version but typeset in Dorico and presented in the original key of the first published version. The melodic lines remain unchanged but I have attempted to improve the figures and included the translated text. The bass has been slightly adapted to prevent it dropping below C2.
  • (Posted 2023-08-20)  CPDL #74930:       
Editor: Ben Newton (submitted 2023-08-20).   Score information: A4, 12 pages, 171 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: This is based on my earlier version but typeset in Dorico and transposed down a perfect fourth. The melodic lines remain unchanged but I have attempted to improve the figures and included the translated text.
  • (Posted 2018-03-29)  CPDL #49224:         
Editor: Ben Newton (submitted 2018-03-29).   Score information: A4, 11 pages, 104 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Score created from the original published edition available on IMSLP. Transposed down m3 (from Cm to Am) to make it more comfortable for counter-tenors. The figures are inaccurate in several places.

General Information

Title: O Dive Custos
Composer: Henry Purcell
Lyricist: Henry Parker

Number of voices: 2vv   Voicing: SS
Genre: SecularBurial service

Language: Latin
Instruments: Basso continuo

First published: 1695

External websites:

Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

O dive custos auriacae domus
et spes labantis certior imperi;
o rebus adversis vocande,
o superum decus in secundis!

Seu te fluentem pronus ad Isida
in vota fervens Oxonidum,
seu te precantur, quos remoti
unda lavat properata Cami;

Descende caelo non ita creditas
visurus aedes praesidiis tuis,
descende visurus penates
caesaris, et penetrale sacrum.

Maria musis flebilis occidit,
Maria, gentis deliciae brevis;
o flete Mariam! flete, Camoenae!
o flete, Divae, dea moriente.

English.png English translation

O God, guardian of the House of Orange,
And surer hope of fleeting power,
O you who should be invoked in adversity,
O divine ornament in prosperity —

Whether the eager choir of Oxford
By the river Isis calls
On you in prayer of they who are washed
By the swift stream of the distant Cam —

Come down from heaven to visit with your help
The palace not thus entrusted,
Come down and visit the chapel of our Monarch
And the sacred chamber.

Mary is dying, lamented by the Muses,
Short-lived darling of her people,
O weep for Mary, O weep you Muses,
O weep you Goddesses, for the dying divinity.

(trans.: Oliver Taplin)