O dolci parolette

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General information

Lyricist: Luigi Cassola

Lasso’s text difffers from Cassola’s (and Gabrieli’s) in some lines, which are added in square brackets.

Settings by composers

Other settings possibly not included in the manual list above

Italian.png Italian text

O dolci parolette, o dolce riso,
O dolccissimo sguardo,
Che tanti interni amari dolor miei
[Che tanti amari miei]
Addolcite, s’io v’odo, et s’io vi guardo;
Deh, fate homai, che far io no’l potrei,
[Deh, fate homai a tanti dolor miei]
Così dolce la voglia
Di questa donna mia, come voi sete;
Che l’amara mia doglia
addolcir si può sol se voi volete:
Ch’ella sa ben, s’io l’amo; et voi il sapete.

German.png German translation

O süße kleine Wörtchen, o süßes Lachen,
o süßester Blick,
die so viele meiner bitteren inneren Schmerzen
[die so viele meiner Bitterkeiten]
besänftigt, wenn ich euch höre, oder wenn ich euch sehe;
Ach, macht nun, da ich es nicht tun kann,
[Ach, macht nun angesichts meiner vielen Qualen]
so süß das Gemüt
meiner Dame wie ihr es seid;
da mein bitteres Leiden
besänftigt werden kann, wenn ihr es wollt:
denn sie weiß wohl, dass ich sie liebe; und ihr wisst es.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt
English.png English translation

Oh sweet little words, o sweet laughter,
o sweetest glance,
which soften so many of my bitter inner pains
[which soften so many of my bitternesses]
when I hear you, and when I behold you;
oh make now, as I am not able to do it,
[oh make now towards my many torments]
as sweet the humour
of my lady as you are;
since my bitter distress
may be softened only if you wish it:
for she well knows that I love her, and you know it.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt