Petrum Marcello Venetum
Romano cretum sanguine,
Pastorem nostrum carmine*
Laudemus bene meritum.
Exultet urbs Euganee
Adventu tanti presulis
Exultet plausu jubilis
Voves sonent etheree.
Stirps leteris* Marcellina
Tali alumno decorata;
Cujus gradu sublimata*
Illi tota te declina.
Plaudat Patavinus chorus
Laudes Jovi summo pangant
voce leta celum tangant
venit enim pastor verus.
O Petre, antistes inclite
Vere virtutis speculum
Quo nostrum inter speculum
Nos mina recto limite.
Pater amantissime,
Nos oves tuas dirige
Et aberrantes corrige
Judex cunctis justissime.
O cleri primas Padue
Nos tuos rite regula
Peccantes coge ferula
Sordida cuncta dilue.
Sint laudes Regi glorie
Qui nos te dignos redidit;
Qui melon istud edidit
Adesto tuo Ciconie.
*Reading doubtful, MS text corrected
English translation
Pietro Marcello, the Venetian,
Let's praise, our shepherd,
Born from Roman blood,
With a well-deserved hymn.
Let Padua, of the ancient Euganei founded, rejoice
At the arrival of so great a Prelate.
Let her exult with jubilant applause.
You vow it: may the heavens ring.
Rejoice, house of Marcello,
Adorned by such a descendant!
Raised up by his new rank,
Bow down fully to him.
Let the choir of Padua rejoice;
Let them sing the praises of God most high;
With joyful voice let them reach heaven;
For now has come a true pastor.
Peter, Bishop reknowned,
Mirror of virtue true,
With which we pray you in our age
Drive us in the right way.
Most loving Father,
Guide us your sheep,
And correct those who wander away,
Judge of all, most just.
Primate of the clergy of Padua,
Rightly rule us, who are yours.
Urge on sinners with your staff;
Wash all dirt away.
Praise to the King of glory,
Who made us worthy of you,
Who will, I pray, be present
With him who writes this song, your Ciconia.
Philip Krinks