Metrical 'New Version' (Tate/Brady)
English text
Jehovah reigns, let all the earth
In his just government rejoice;
Let all the isles, with sacred mirth,
In his applause unite their voice.
Darkness and clouds of awful shade
His dazzling glory shroud in state;
Justice and truth his guards are made,
And, fix'd by his pavilion, wait.
Devouring fire before his face
His foes around with vengeance struck;
His lightnings set the world on blaze;
Earth saw it, and with terror shook.
The proudest hills his presence felt,
Their height nor strength could help afford;
The proudest hills like wax did melt
In presence of th'Almighty Lord.
The heav'ns, his righteousness to show,
With storms of fire our foes pursu'd;
And all the trembling world below
Have his descending glory view'd.
Confounded be their impious host,
Who make the gods to whom they pray;
All who of pageant idols boast,
To him, ye gods, your worship pay.
Glad Sion of thy triumph heard,
And Judah's daughters were o'erjoy'd;
Because thy righteous judgments, Lord,
Have pagan pride and pow'r destroy'd.
For thou, O God, art seated high,
Above earth's potentates enthron'd;
Thou, Lord, unrivall'd in the sky,
Supreme by all the gods art own'd.
You, who to serve this Lord aspire,
Abhor what's ill, and truth esteem;
He'll keep his servants' souls entire,
And them from wicked hands redeem.
For seeds are sown of glorious light,
A future harvest for the just;
And gladness for the heart that's right,
To recompense its pious trust.
Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord:
Memorials of his holiness
Deep in your faithful breasts record,
And with your thankful tongues confess.
Metrical version by Isaac Watts - Long Meter, first part
English text
He reigns, the Lord, the Saviour reigns,
Praise him in evangelic strains:
Let the whole earth in songs rejoice,
And distant islands join their voice.
Deep are his counsels, and unknown;
But grace and truth support his throne:
Though gloomy clouds his ways surround,
Justice is their eternal ground.
In robes of judgment, lo! he comes,
Shakes the wide earth, and cleaves the tombs;
Before him burns devouring fire,
The mountains melt, the seas retire.
His enemies with sore dismay
Fly from the sight, and shun the day;
Then lift your heads, ye saints, on high,
And sing, for your redemption's nigh.
Metrical version by Isaac Watts - Long Meter, second part
English text
The Lord is come, the heav'ns proclaim
His birth; the nations learn his name:
An unknown star directs the road
Of eastern sages to their God.
All ye bright armies of the skies,
Go, worship where the Saviour lies:
Angels and kings before him bow,
Those gods on high and gods below.
Let idols totter to the ground,
And their own worshippers confound;
But Judah shout, but Zion sing,
And earth confess her sov'reign king.
Káldi fordítás (96. zsoltár)
Hungarian text
Dávidé, midőn az ő földe visszaadatott.
Az Úr országol, örvendezzen a föld; vigadjon a sok sziget.
Felhő és homály van körötte, igazság és itélet az ő székének alapja.
Tűz jár előtte, és megemészti körös-körűl ellenségeit.
Villámai megvilágítják a föld kerekségét; látja és megrendül a föld.
A hegyek mint a viasz megolvadnak az Úr színe előtt, az Úr színe előtt az egész föld.
Az egek hirdetik az ő igazságát; és minden nép az ő dicsőségét.
Szégyenűljenek meg mindnyájan, kik faragott képeket imádnak, és kik bálványaikban dicsekszenek. Imádjátok őt, minden angyalai!
Hallja ezt Sion, és örűl; és Júda leányai örvendeznek a te itéleteidben, Uram!
Mert te, Uram, legfölségesebb vagy az egész földön, igen fölmagasztaltattál minden istenek fölött.
Kik szeretitek az Urat, gyülöljétek a gonoszt; az Úr megőrzi az ő szentei lelkeit, a bűnös kezéből megszabadítja őket.
világosság támadott az igaznak, és vigaság az egyenesszívűeknek.
Vigadjatok igazak az Úrban, és dícsérjétek az ő szentségének emlékezetét.