Quam pulchra es (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)

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  • (Posted 2020-06-26)  CPDL #59362:        (LilyPond)
Editor: Allen Garvin (submitted 2020-06-26).   Score information: Letter, 9 pages, 535 kB   Copyright: CC BY NC
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2019-07-20)  CPDL #54843: 
Original key (high chiavette):        
Transposed down a tone:      
Transposed down a fourth:       - Alto voices are in tenor clef
Editor: Pothárn Imre (submitted 2019-07-20).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 81 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Note values halved. Updated version of Edition #1909.
  • (Posted 2018-12-08)  CPDL #52543:       
Editor: Roel Zinkstok (submitted 2018-12-08).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 526 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2008-06-22)  CPDL #17253:        (Finale 2006)
Editor: Sabine Cassola (submitted 2008-06-22).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 73 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: File Sizes: MIDI: 8 KB, Finale 2006: 31 KB.

General Information

Title: Quam pulchra es
Composer: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Source of text: Song of Solomon 7:6–8

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SAATB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1584 in Canticum Canticorum, no. 27
Description: From 'Song of Songs / Songs of Solomon'.

External websites:

Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Canticum Canticorum
7:6  Quam pulchra es et quam decora, carissima, in deliciis!
7:7  Statura tua adsimilata est palmæ, et ubera tua botris.
7:8  Dixi: Ascendam in palmam et apprehendam fructus eius; et erunt ubera tua sicut botri vineæ et odor oris tui sicut malorum

English.png English translation

How fair and pleasant you are, O loved one, in delights!
This your stature is as a palm tree, and your breasts are like its clusters.
I say I will climb the palm tree and lay hold of its branches.
O may your breasts be like clusters of the vine,
and the scent of your breath like apples.

Dutch.png Dutch translation

Wat ben je mooi, wat ben je bekoorlijk.
Liefde en verrukking, dat ben jij.
Als een palm is je gestalte,
je borsten zijn als druiventrossen.
Ik dacht: Laat ik die palm beklimmen,
en zijn vruchten plukken.
Laten jouw borsten als druiventrossen zijn,
en de geur van je mond als die van appels.

Translation by Anton Hendriks, Ben Terstegge & Hanneke Pot