Something stirs (Thurlow Weed)

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  • (Posted 2016-01-05)  CPDL #38065:       
Editor: Thurlow Weed (submitted 2016-01-05).   Score information: Letter, 1 page, 22 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Something Stirs
Composer: Thurlow Weed
Lyricist: Michael Hudson

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredHymn for Epiphany   Meter: 87. 87

Language: English
Instruments: Keyboard

First published: 2016

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

1. Something stirs when heaven opens,
Sweeping, birdlike, toward the land.
Something moves to make a dwelling
in an outstretched, upturned hand --

2. That which animates beginnings,
brooding over sea and mud,
and which nurtures re-creation,
angel of the ending flood,

3. Soaring over wave and mountain,
circling where the waters sing,
swooping near the desert river,
rushing toward the Fisher King.

4. Brooding, soaring, rushing Spirit,
as we trace your forward flight,
may our hands reach out, a dwelling
where a migrant bird may light.

From Songs for the Cycle ©2004 by Michael Hudson.
Church Publishing Incorporated. All rights reserved. Used by permission.