Star of my heart (David Monks)

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  • (Posted 2009-10-08)  CPDL #20305:        SSA + descant:     With handbells:    
Editor: David Monks (submitted 2009-10-08).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 29 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Star of my heart
Composer: David Monks
Lyricist: Vachel Lindsaycreate page (1879-1931)

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SSATB, includes soprano descant
Genre: SacredCarol

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 2009
Description: A much abridged and adapted poem of Vachel Lindsay's. As a carol, this is suitable for both platform and church use at Christmastime, although the unexpected reference to the Magi Kings may raise an eyebrow.

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Original text and translations

English.png English text

Star of my heart, I follow from afar.
Sweet Love on high, lead on where shepherds are,
Where Time is not, and only dreamers are.
Star of my heart, I follow from afar.

Star from of old, though Magi-Kings are dead
yet man, with hope still seeks the manger-bed.
O lead me to the Holy, Heavenly Child
Across this dreamland so lone and wild.

Then I will speak this prayer unsaid,
And I still kiss His little haloed head:
My star and I, we love you, little child.
Enter our hearts, O Holy infant mild.