The radiant morn hath passed away (Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley)

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  • (Posted 2022-06-03)  CPDL #69549:       
Editor: Andrew Sims (submitted 2022-06-03).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 44 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: The hymn with four-part harmony and underlaid words in the version published in Hymns Ancient & Modern.

General Information

Title: The radiant morn hath passed away
Composer: Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley
Tune: St Gabriel
Lyricist: Godfrey Thring
Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredHymn   Meter: 88. 84

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella or keyboard

First published:
Description: A descant to the hymn can be found here.

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

The radiant morn hath passed away,
and spent too soon her golden store;
the shadows of departing day
creep on once more.

Our life is but a fading sun,
its glorious noon how quickly past;
lead us, O Christ, when all is gone,
safe home at last.

O by thy soul-inspiring grace
uplift our hearts to realms on high;
help us to look to that bright place
beyond the sky:

where light, and life, and joy, and peace
in undivided empire reign,
and thronging Angels never cease
their deathless strain;

where Saints are clothed in spotless white,
and evening shadows never fall;
where thou, eternal Light of Light,
art Lord of all.