Whom should we love like thee (John Bacchus Dykes)

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  • (Posted 2010-08-26)  CPDL #22199:         
Editor: James Gibb (submitted 2010-08-26).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 18 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: As in Congregational Praise, 1950.

General Information

Title: Whom should we love like thee
Composer: John Bacchus Dykes
Tune: St Godric
Lyricist: Henry Francis Lyte

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredHymn   Meter: 66. 66. 88

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella or keyboard

First published:
Description: The words are a paraphrase of Psalm 18

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

1. Whom should we love like Thee, Our God, our Guide, our King,
 The tower to which we flee, The rock to which we cling?
 O for a thousand tongues to show
 The mercies which to Thee we owe.

2. The storm upon us fell, The floods around us rose;
 The depths of death and hell Seemed on our souls to close;
 To God we cried in strong despair,
 He heard, and came to help our prayer.

3. He came, the King of kings, He bowed the sable sky;
 And on the tempest's wings Walked down serene from high;
 The earth beneath His footsteps shook,
 The mountains quaked at His rebuke.

4. Above the storm He stood, And awed it to repose;
 He drew us from the flood, And scattered all our foes;
 He set us in a spacious place,
 And there upholds up by His grace.

5. Whom should we love like Thee, Our God, our Guide, our King,
 The tower to which we flee, The rock to which we cling?
 O for a thousand tongues to show
 The mercies which to Thee we owe.