Ancor che col partire

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General information

Cipriano de Rore's setting was parodied by numerous other composers:

Settings by composers

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Text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Anchor che col partire
io mi senta1 morire,
partir vorrei ogn'hor, ogni momento:
tant' il piacer ch'io sento
de la vita ch'acquisto nel ritorno:
e così mill' e mille volt' il giorno
partir da voi vorrei:
tanto son dolci gli ritorni miei.

   1: Cambio uses "sento".

German.png German translation

Obwohl ich beim Scheiden
Spüren sollte, daß ich sterbe,
Möchte ich jederzeit, jeden Augenblick scheiden,
So groß ist die Freude, die ich fühle
Am neuen Leben, das ich in der Wiederkehr erhalte.
Und so möchte ich tausende Male am Tag
Von Euch scheiden,
So süß ist mein Wiederkehren.

Translation by Peter Rottländer
Spanish.png Spanish translation

Aunque al partir
yo me siento morir
partir querría cada hora, cada instante:
tanto es el placer que siento
de la vida que adquiero en el retorno:
y así, miles de veces al día
partir de vos querría:
tan dulces son los retornos míos.

Translation by Andrés García
English.png English translation

Although when I part from you
it is a kind of dying,
I would be glad to leave you every hour, every moment,
so great is my joy
as life comes flooding back to me on my return:
and so a thousand times a day
I would that I could part from you:
for so my heart leaps when we are reunited.
Translation by Mick Swithinbank

French.png French translation

Bien que de partir
Je me sente mourir,
Partir j’aimerais, chaque heure, chaque instant
Tant de plaisir je ressent
De la vie acquise dans le retour,
Et ainsi mille et mille fois chaque jour,
Partir de vous je suis envieux
tant mes retours sont délicieux.

Translation by Alain Gervreau