Anima mea exultabit in Domino

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Latin.png Latin text

 Anima ... mea exultabit in Domino
 [et] delectabitur super salutari suo,
 Confitebor tibi in Ecclesia magna
 in populo gravi laudabo te.
(Versio Vulgata, Psalm 34:9,18.)

English.png English translation

 ... my soul shall rejoice in the Lord;
and shall be delighted in his salvation.
I will give thanks to thee in a great church;
I will praise thee in a strong people.
(Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible, Psalm 35: 9,18.)

German.png German translation

Meine Seele soll sich freuen des Herrn und fröhlich sein über seine Hilfe.
Ich will dir danken in großer Gemeinde; unter vielem Volk will ich dich rühmen.
(Lutherbibel 2017)