Category:Posted in August 2011
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List of works with new editions posted in August 2011. This information is used by template NewPostCount to produce the monthly totals displayed in ChoralWiki:LatestScores.
Pages in this category
The following 171 pages are in this category, out of 171 total.
- A qui me doib ie (5vv) (Jacobus Clemens non Papa)
- Abendfriede (Josef Rheinberger)
- Ah! cruel Amarillis (John Wilbye)
- Alas! What a wretched life (John Wilbye)
- Alas, what hope of speeding (John Wilbye)
- Alleluia (Michael Winikoff)
- Alleluia: Caro mea (Heinrich Finck)
- And though my love abounding (John Wilbye)
- Are the white hours for ever fled (John Wall Callcott)
- As fair as morn (John Wilbye)
- As matchless beauty (John Wilbye)
- Assumpta est Maria a 5 (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- Ave Maria (Johannes Brassart)
- Ave Maria (Maxim Vladimiroff)
- Ave nobilissima creatura (Josquin des Prez)
- Ave verum corpus (Charles H. Giffen)
- Ave, dulcissima Maria (Carlo Gesualdo)
- Awake, ye drowsy mortals all (Joseph Key)
- Away, thou shalt not love me (John Wilbye)
- Fair nymphs, I heard one telling (John Farmer)
- The family quarrel (Thomas Arne)
- Farewell unkind farewell (John Dowland)
- Farewell, false love (Michael East)
- Fie on this faining, is love without desire (John Dowland)
- Fly not so swift my dear (John Wilbye)
- Follow me, sweet love and soul's delight (Michael East)
- Fürwahr, er trug unsre Krankheit (Christian Fink)
- I always beg (John Wilbye)
- I am quite tired with my groans (John Wilbye)
- I fall and then I rise again (Michael East)
- I fall, I fall (John Wilbye)
- I heard three virgins (Michael East)
- I live, and yet methinks I do not breathe (John Wilbye)
- I love you truly (Carrie Jacobs-Bond)
- I must complain, yet do enjoy (John Dowland)
- I should not feel it to be strange (Huub de Lange)
- I sung sometimes (John Wilbye)
- I wonder who's kissing her now (Joseph E. Howard)
- If the Lord himself had not been on our side (William Knapp)
- Im Garten leidet Christus Not (Joachim a Burgk)
- In dolorous complaining (Michael East)
- It was a time when silly bees could speake (John Dowland)
- Iudica me Deus a 7 (Andrea Gabrieli)
- Laudate Dominum a 10 (Andrea Gabrieli)
- Let me call you sweetheart (I'm in love with you) (Leo Friedman)
- Let thy merciful ears (Thomas Mudd)
- Let us, my Lesbia, live and love (John Stafford Smith)
- Loquebar de testimoniis (Anonymous)
- The Lord's Prayer (John Farmer)
- Love not me for comely grace (John Wilbye)
- The lowest trees have tops (John Dowland)
- Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in E flat (Robert Creighton)
- Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in F (Thomas Barrow)
- Magnificat, H 73 (Marc-Antoine Charpentier)
- Mater patris et filia (Antoine Brumel)
- Miserere mei Deus (Giovanni Maria Nanino)
- Missa Alauda (Joachim Kelecom)
- Missa in G, op. 151 (Josef Rheinberger)
- Missa Nos amis (Johannes Tinctoris)
- My lady's coloured cheeks (Giles Farnaby)
- My light, my life, my way (William D. Thompson)
- O bone Jesu (Felice Anerio)
- O dass ich tausend Zungen hätte (Jörg Michael Sander)
- O fools! can you not see (John Wilbye)
- O gloriosa Domina a 6 (Andrea Gabrieli)
- O God, the rock of my whole strength (John Wilbye)
- O Gott, du frommer Gott (Jörg Michael Sander)
- O lux, beata Trinitas (Robert Fayrfax)
- O Maria, sei gegrüßt, Op. 61d, No. 6 (Max Reger)
- O salutaris hostia (contrafactum of O nata lux) (Thomas Tallis)
- O Tod, du bist ein bittre Gallen (Leonhard Lechner)
- Oft have I vowed (John Wilbye)
- Once in Bethlehem of Judah (Charles Villiers Stanford)
- Salve festa dies III (Anonymous)
- Salve festa dies IV (Anonymous)
- Salve sancta parens I (Anonymous)
- Salve sancta parens II (Anonymous)
- Salve sancta parens III (Anonymous)
- Sancta Maria succurre miseris a 6 (Andrea Gabrieli)
- Sanctorum meritis (Anonymous)
- Sanctus (Petrus de Domarto)
- Sanctus a 12 (Andrea Gabrieli)
- Sicut lilium inter spinas (Antoine Brumel)
- Simkin said that Sis was fair (Giles Farnaby)
- Since tears could not obtain (Michael East)
- Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands (Thomas Clark)
- The Singing Club (Thomas Arne)
- The snow lies thick upon the earth (Geoffrey Shaw)
- So jemand spricht: Ich liebe Gott (Stefan Obendorf)
- So light is love (John Wilbye)
- The Street Intrigue (Thomas Arne)
- Susanna fair some time of love (Giles Farnaby)
- Sweet heart arise (Thomas Weelkes)
- Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme a 2 (Michael Praetorius)
- Wandrers Nachtgebet (Carl Maria von Weber)
- Was betrübst du dich, meine Seele (Johann Hermann Schein)
- The wavering planet (Giles Farnaby)
- The Weeders (Thomas Arne)
- Weep, O mine eyes (John Wilbye)
- What doth my pretty darling? (Michael East)
- What heart such doubled force? (Michael East)
- When Cloris heard (John Wilbye)
- When I survey the wondrous cross (Thomas Jarman)
- Where is the moon? (Leanne Daharja Veitch)
- Why do you seek by flight? (Michael East)
- Why runs away my love? (Michael East)
- Why smilest thou, sweet jewel? (Michael East)