ChoralWiki:February 2014 scores
<< January 2014 • All months • March 2014 >>
February 2014 scores (most recent listed first)
Total pages with new scores added in the month: 172
- (Creation date) Page with new edition(s)
28 February
- (28 Feb 2014) Christus factus est (Antonio Soler)
- (28 Feb 2014) Christus resurgens (John Byrchley)
- (28 Feb 2014) Christus resurgens (Moris Gore)
- (23 Jan 2014) Dezilde al cavallero que non se quexe (Nicolas Gombert)
- (28 Feb 2014) Ego sum alpha et O (Anonymous)
- (28 Feb 2014) Exurgat Deus (Samuel Webbe)
- (28 Feb 2014) Il Barbiere di Siviglia (Gioachino Rossini)
- (28 Feb 2014) Lord thou hast commanded (Baruch Bulman)
- (28 Feb 2014) Memor esto (William Mundy)
- (28 Feb 2014) Quel lauro che fù in me (Luca Marenzio)
- (28 Feb 2014) The King of Love my Shepherd is (Arthur Somervell)
- (28 Feb 2014) Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär, Op. 43, No. 1 (Robert Schumann)
27 February
- (17 Oct 2005) Theresienmesse (Joseph Haydn)
26 February
- (26 Feb 2014) Alleluia Per te Dei genitrix (Christopher Tye)
- (26 Feb 2014) Huyd, huyd (Francisco Guerrero)
- (24 Oct 2005) Kyrie in F major, KV 33 (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- (26 Feb 2014) No son rayos (Francisco de Frías)
- (26 Feb 2014) No son rayos (Pedro Nolasco Estrada Aristondo)
- (26 Feb 2014) Puelle saltanti (Antonius Gallus)
- (26 Feb 2014) Sicut in holocaustis (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- (26 Feb 2014) Tu es gloria mea (Samuel Webbe)
25 February
- (25 Feb 2014) Audi Domine hymnum (Samuel Webbe)
- (25 Feb 2014) Desperança vos vestistes (Anonymous)
- (25 Feb 2014) Messe in C Nr. 1 (Robert Führer)
- (25 Feb 2014) Now can my soul in God rejoice (J. West)
24 February
- (24 Feb 2014) An den Frühling, D338 (Franz Schubert)
- (24 Feb 2014) Evening Hymn (Elisha West)
- (24 Feb 2014) Illumina oculos meos (Wilhelm Meyer Lutz)
- (24 Feb 2014) O Roma felix (Samuel Webbe)
- (24 Feb 2014) Quodcumque ligaveris (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- (17 Oct 2005) Theresienmesse (Joseph Haydn)
23 February
- (23 Feb 2014) Agnus Dei a cinque (Pascal Picard)
- (23 Feb 2014) Beatus qui intelligit (Orlando di Lasso)
- (23 Feb 2014) Deus misereatur, SWV 55 (Heinrich Schütz)
- (23 Feb 2014) Pid khrest Tvij stayu (Traditional)
22 February
- (22 Feb 2014) Beati omnes qui timent Dominum a5 (Orlando di Lasso)
- (22 Feb 2014) Che fai Dori, che pensi (Alfonso Ferrari)
21 February
- (21 Feb 2014) Aus dem Baumstumpf (Dalwyn Henshall)
- (14 Jan 2010) Eheu sustulerunt (Thomas Morley)
- (24 Aug 2005) Haec dies a 6 (William Byrd)
- (21 Feb 2014) Kyrie Orbis factor (Christopher Tye)
- (21 Feb 2014) Missa Per Arma Iustitiae (John Merbecke)
- (21 Feb 2014) S'Avi Maria (Angelina Figus)
20 February
- (09 Feb 2012) Missa Ego flos campi (Jacobus Vaet)
- (20 Feb 2014) Non mi toglia il ben mio (Carlo Gesualdo)
19 February
- (19 Feb 2014) Ahi che quest' occhi miei (Alfonso Ferrari)
- (19 Feb 2014) Great Service Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (William Byrd)
- (19 Feb 2014) La mariposa (José Durán)
- (19 Feb 2014) Quam pulchra es (2nd setting) (Ferdinand di Lasso)
18 February
17 February
- (17 Feb 2014) All'apparir di quelle luci ardenti (Carlo Gesualdo)
- (21 Mar 2006) Angelus ad Virginem (Anonymous)
- (17 Feb 2014) Communion Service (Thomas Causton)
- (17 Feb 2014) Domine ante te (William Byrd)
- (05 Feb 2011) Evening Service (Thomas Causton)
- (17 Feb 2014) Homo quidam (Thomas Tallis)
- (17 Feb 2014) Kyrie (16th cent. English) (Anonymous)
- (24 Aug 2005) Locus iste (Anton Bruckner)
- (17 Feb 2014) Morning Service (Thomas Causton)
- (17 Feb 2014) Peccavi super numerum (William Byrd)
- (17 Feb 2014) Sing Lullaby (Richard Norris)
- (17 Feb 2014) Snow-flakes (Richard Norris)
- (17 Feb 2014) Tirrhena mia (Rinaldo del Mel)
16 February
- (16 Feb 2014) Ave verum 93 (Mariano Garau)
- (16 Feb 2014) Cantate Domino (Jens Klimek)
- (16 Feb 2014) Nun lobet Gott im Hohen Thron (Charles H. Giffen)
- (23 Dec 2010) O Herr Jesu Christe (Johann Hermann Schein)
- (16 Feb 2014) Protector in te (Samuel Webbe)
- (24 Aug 2005) The House of the Rising Sun (Traditional)
- (16 Feb 2014) The keeper (Traditional)
- (16 Feb 2014) Tota Pulchra 97 (Mariano Garau)
- (23 Dec 2010) Wem ein tugendsam Weib bescheret ist (Johann Hermann Schein)
15 February
- (15 Feb 2014) Agnus Dei (Mario Tento)
- (15 Feb 2014) Agnus Dei (Pascal Picard)
- (15 Feb 2014) Ave Maria 2013 (Mario Tento)
- (15 Feb 2014) Cantate Domino canticum novum (Richard Dering)
- (23 Dec 2010) Drei schöne Ding sind (Johann Hermann Schein)
- (15 Feb 2014) Sing praise to God in heaven above (Charles H. Giffen)
- (15 Feb 2014) The mouse (Maggie Furtak)
14 February
- (23 Dec 2010) Ach Herr, ach meiner schone (Johann Hermann Schein)
- (15 Feb 2014) Hymne, Op. 69, No. 2 (Josef Rheinberger)
- (23 Dec 2010) Ihr Heiligen, lobsinget dem Herrn (Johann Hermann Schein)
- (24 Aug 2005) Lehre uns bedenken (Johann Hermann Schein)
- (15 Feb 2014) Morgenlied, Op. 69, No. 1 (Josef Rheinberger)
- (23 Dec 2010) Nu danket alle Gott (Johann Hermann Schein)
- (23 Dec 2010) Siehe, nach Trost war mir sehr bange (Johann Hermann Schein)
- (12 Feb 2014) Stand up and bless the Lord your God (John Goss)
13 February
- (13 Feb 2014) Amai sì fortemente (Alfonso Ferrari)
- (13 Feb 2014) Animam meam dilectam a 5 (Orlando di Lasso)
- (13 Feb 2014) Cantate Domino (Mariano Garau)
- (13 Feb 2014) Hear, O Lord, and have mercy (Stephen Jarvis)
- (26 May 2008) Herr, laß meine Klage (Johann Hermann Schein)
- (13 Feb 2014) Missa in Es (Johann Anton Filtz)
- (13 Feb 2014) Timebunt gentes (Wilhelm Meyer Lutz)
12 February
- (24 Aug 2005) Estas noches a tan largas (Anonymous)
- (12 Feb 2014) Non mai non cangerò stato (Carlo Gesualdo)
- (12 Feb 2014) Remember me, O Lord (Thomas Tomkins)
- (12 Feb 2014) Stand up and bless the Lord your God (John Goss)
11 February
- (11 Feb 2014) In humble faith and holy love (George M. Garrett)
- (11 Feb 2014) La Vita (Mario Tento)
- (11 Feb 2014) Mandatum novum do vobis (Christoph Dalitz)
- (11 Feb 2014) O ye that love the Lord (George J. Elvey)
- (11 Feb 2014) The Lord is loving unto every man (George M. Garrett)
10 February
- (10 Feb 2014) Amarilli piangea (Alfonso Ferrari)
- (10 Feb 2014) Domine convertere (Wilhelm Meyer Lutz)
- (10 Feb 2014) Domine in auxilium (Wilhelm Meyer Lutz)
- (10 Feb 2014) In pace (Christopher Tye)
- (10 Feb 2014) Kondak des Hl. St. Ansgar, 3. Ton (Kievan chant)
- (10 Feb 2014) Sepulto Domino (Mariano Garau)
- (10 Feb 2014) Soffice manto di neve (Mario Tento)
- (10 Feb 2014) Tropar des Hl. St. Ansgar, 4. Ton (Kievan chant)
- (10 Feb 2014) Y Serch Lledrad (Dalwyn Henshall)
9 February
- (09 Feb 2014) Caracola (Mario Tento)
- (09 Feb 2014) Il cuore è pieno di farfalle d'oro (Mario Tento)
- (09 Feb 2014) O Maria (Angelina Figus)
- (09 Feb 2014) Popule meus (Mariano Garau)
8 February
- (08 Feb 2014) Ave Regina coelorum (Anonymous)
- (13 Jun 2020) Dio vi salvi Regina (Francesco de Geronimo)
- (08 Feb 2014) Glory be to the Father (Thomas Tomkins)
- (08 Feb 2014) O sacrum convivium (verse anthem) (Samuel Webbe)
- (08 Feb 2014) Out of the deep a 3 (Thomas Tomkins)
- (08 Feb 2014) Voi che ascoltate (Andrea Antico)
- (08 Feb 2014) Voi che ascoltate (Marchetto Cara)
7 February
- (07 Feb 2014) Ave Maria II (Angelina Figus)
- (07 Feb 2014) Con l'aura de sospir (Alessandro Striggio)
- (10 Dec 2012) Dalle odorate spoglie (Carlo Gesualdo)
- (05 Nov 2011) Di marmo siete voi, SWV 17 (Heinrich Schütz)
- (07 Feb 2014) E quella arpa felice (Carlo Gesualdo)
- (07 Feb 2014) Flos Carmeli (Jens Klimek)
- (07 Feb 2014) With glorious clouds encompassed round (James Leach)
- (07 Feb 2014) Ya viene la noche (Mario Tento)
6 February
- (06 Feb 2014) L'Autunno (Mario Tento)
- (06 Feb 2014) Lauda Sion Salvatorem (Samuel Webbe)
- (06 Feb 2014) Pied Beauty (Kathryn Rose)
5 February
- (05 Feb 2014) Christus natus est (Pedro Bermúdez)
- (05 Feb 2014) De profundis (Juan Romero)
- (05 Feb 2014) El baratillo (Matías Ruiz)
- (05 Feb 2014) El sacristán y el barbero (José Lorenzo Gómez del Valle)
- (05 Feb 2014) La via dei carri (Paolo Pandolfo)
- (05 Feb 2014) Requiem in C (Johann Melchior Dreyer)
- (05 Feb 2014) Sacro numen dirija (Juan Romero)
4 February
- (04 Feb 2014) Abbiamo contemplato (Paolo Pandolfo)
- (04 Feb 2014) Agnello di Dio II (Paolo Pandolfo)
- (04 Feb 2014) Alleluia Christus resurrexit (Paolo Pandolfo)
- (04 Feb 2014) Alleluia di Pasqua (Paolo Pandolfo)
- (04 Feb 2014) Arriverà la potenza del Signore (Paolo Pandolfo)
- (04 Feb 2014) Ave verum (Paolo Pandolfo)
- (04 Feb 2014) Benedetto (Paolo Pandolfo)
- (04 Feb 2014) Christ the Word to earth descended (Charles H. Giffen)
- (04 Feb 2014) Emitte Spiritum tuum (Paolo Pandolfo)
- (04 Feb 2014) Gloria (Paolo Pandolfo)
- (04 Feb 2014) Padre nostro (Paolo Pandolfo)
- (05 Feb 2014) Santo I (Paolo Pandolfo)
- (04 Feb 2014) Santo IV (Paolo Pandolfo)
- (04 Feb 2014) Ti offro il mondo (Offertorio) (Paolo Pandolfo)
- (05 Feb 2014) Y Gelynnen (Dalwyn Henshall)
3 February
- (03 Feb 2014) Alleluia in resurrectione (Anonymous)
- (03 Feb 2014) Cantada al Santísimo (Pedro Rabaza)
- (03 Feb 2014) Gloria Patri (Anonymous)
- (03 Feb 2014) Lord, hear the voice of my complaint (Joseph Stephenson)
- (03 Feb 2014) Lumen Verum (Christopher Upton)
- (03 Feb 2014) Un dì lieto giamai non ebbi (Heinrich Isaac)
2 February
- (24 Aug 2005) Chi vol haver felice e lieto il core (Claudio Monteverdi)
- (02 Feb 2014) Creed in C (José Maurício Nunes Garcia)
- (02 Feb 2014) Ego clamavi (Nobuaki Izawa)
- (24 Aug 2005) Lamento della Ninfa (Claudio Monteverdi)
- (02 Feb 2014) Nunc Dimittis - Pons Stephani (Dalwyn Henshall)
- (11 Mar 2013) Ond'ei di morte la sua faccia impressa (Claudio Monteverdi)
- (03 Mar 2013) Rimanti in pace a la dolente e bella Fillida (Claudio Monteverdi)
1 February
- (24 Aug 2005) Das Blut Jesu Christi (Johann Michael Bach)
- (24 Aug 2005) Ich weiß, daß mein Erlöser lebt (Johann Michael Bach)
- (02 Feb 2014) Magnificat - Pons Stephani (Dalwyn Henshall)
- (01 Feb 2014) Sento che nel partire (Carlo Gesualdo)
- (01 Feb 2014) Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (Charles L. Williams)
<< January 2014 • All months • March 2014 >>