Congratulamini mihi (Costanzo Festa)

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  • (Posted 2019-08-06)  CPDL #54997:       
Editor: John Hetland (submitted 2019-08-06).   Score information: Letter, 7 pages, 716 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Source: Costanzo Festa: Opera Omnia, ed. Albert Seay, CMM 25.5, 1979. Notation here is at the original pitch with time values halved. Translation, text underlay and editorial accidentals by John Hetland and the Renaissance Street Singers. 31 Jul 2019

General Information

Title: Congratulamini mihi
Composer: Costanzo Festa

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

    Manuscript c.1530 in I-Bc MS Q.20, no. 49
Description: For Easter Sunday

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Congratulámini míhi ómnes
qui dilígitis Dóminum,
quía quem quaerébam
appáruit míhi.
Et dum flérem
ad monuméntum,
vídi Dóminum. Allelúia.

Angelus Dómini
descéndit de caélo
et accédens,
revólvit lápidem
et súper éum sedébat,
et díxit muliéribus,
Nolíte timére,
surréxit Dóminus,
non est hic.
Veníte et vidéte lócum
úbi posuérunt éum.

English.png English translation

Rejoice with me, all
who love the Lord,
for the one I sought
has appeared to me.
And while I was weeping
at the tomb,
I saw the Lord. Alleluia.

An angel of the Lord
came down from heaven,
and coming near,
he rolled the stone
and sat upon it,
and said to the women,
Fear not,
the Lord has risen,
he is not here.
Come and see the place
where they laid him.