Corre lixeira (Angel Viro)

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  • (Posted 2005-09-21)  CPDL #09785:  IMSLP.png PDF, MIDI and Finale 2005 files
Editor: Angel Viro (submitted 2005-09-21).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 254 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Corre lixeira
Composer: Angel Viro

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SecularPartsong

Language: Galician
Instruments: A cappella

First published:
Description: from a set of Choral songs with lyrics in Galician language

External websites:

Original text and translations

Galician.png Galician text

Corre lixeira prenda adorada
tocalle as cunchas e ferros tamén
que outra trouleadiña tan boa
non vola hai hastao ano que ven.

Ai qué Meniño tan feito
ai que naiciña tan linda
estallea Deus dando o peito
a senlleira en Gracia infinda.

Esta noiteos Anxeliños
estiveronche axexando
e canto canto sorriron
e canto canto cantaron.