Da i puri loro e limpidi cristalli (Giovanni Maria Nanino)

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  • (Posted 2021-04-05)  CPDL #63921:         
Editor: Gerhard Weydt (submitted 2021-04-05).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 166 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Da i puri loro e limpidi cristalli
Composer: Giovanni Maria Nanino
Number of voices: 6vv   Voicings: SSTTTB or SSATTB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1583 in Il Lauro verde, Edition 1, no. 9
    2nd published: 1591 in Il Lauro verde, Edition 2, no. 9
    3rd published: 1593 in Il Lauro verde, Edition 3, no. 9
    4th published: 1605 in Nervi d'Orfeo (ed. Jacopo Graswinkel), no. 74

External websites:

Original text and translations

Cinto = Cynthus (Kynthos) is a mountain on the isle of Lesbos, where Artemis and Appollo, the leader of the muses, were born. Pirene is a fountain in Corinth, sacred to the muses.

Italian.png Italian text

Da i puri loro e limpidi cristalli
Escon le Ninfe fori,
Ornate d’herbe e fiori,
E dal mar le Sirene,
E da Cinto e Pirene
Le Muse; e a l’ombra del mio verde Alloro,
Tra i fior bianchi, vermigli, azzurri e gialli
Guidano dolci amorosetti balli:
E l’aura, fra di loro
Soave ventilando,
Gli aita; e garreggiando (e scorgherando)
Ogni vago augellin da i rami santi
accordano co’l ballo i dolci canti.

German.png German translation

Aus ihren reinen und klaren Kristallen
steigen die Nymphen heraus,
geschmückt mit Gräsern und Blumen,
und aus dem Meer die Sirenen,
und von Cynthus und Pirene
die Musen; und im Schatten meines grünen Lorbeersbaums,
inmitten weißer, roter blauer und gelber Blüten
führen sie süße liebliche Tänze auf.
Und die Brise, die zwischen ihnen
sanft weht,
hilft ihnen; und wetteifernd (und ?)
stimmen alle hübschen Vögel von den heiligen Zweigen
ihre süßen Gesänge ein auf den Tanz.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt
English.png English translation

Out of their pure and clear crystals
the nymphs emerge,
decorated with herbs and flowers,
and out of the sea the sirens,
and from Cynthus and Pirene
the muses; and in he shadow of my green laurel tree,
amidst white, red, blue and yellow flowers,
they perform sweet and amorous dances.
And the breeze, amidst them
gently blowing,
helps them; and competing (and ?)
all the lovely birds from their sacred branches
tune their sweet songs to the dance.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt