Di pastorali accenti (Leone Leoni)

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  • (Posted 2018-02-05)  CPDL #48696:         
Editor: Wim Looyestijn (submitted 2018-02-05).   Score information: A4, 7 pages, 90 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: This madrigal is part 20 from "Il Trionfo di Dori", a series of 29 madrigals by various composers and poets, all ending with the exclamation "Viva la bella Dori". English translation adopted from Tactus. Dutch translation by editor.

General Information

Title: Di pastorali accenti
Composer: Leone Leoni
Lyricist: Madalena Campigliacreate page

Number of voices: 6vv   Voicing: SSATTB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1592 in Il Trionfo di Dori, no. 20

External websites:

Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Di pastorali accenti
Dolce sonava intorno,
Un lieto colle al più lucente giorno,
Ov’un drapel di ninfe in vaghi modi,
Tessea ghirlande di leggiadri nodi,
A suoi dolci concenti,
Ardea l’aria d’Amor quand’i bel fiori,
Donar volendo alla più bella
Udio voce intonar del faretrato dio,
Da cavi specchi fuori,
Viva la bella Dori.

English.png English translation

A joyful hill was ringing sweetly all around
with shepherds’ accents
as the day shone bright,
and there a troop of nymphs in charming guise
wove garlands into dainty knots;
at the troop’s sweet harmonies
the air was all aflame with Cupid, when, as they sought
to give fair flowers to the most fair,
I heard the voice of the god who bears the quiver
ring out from the hollow caverns:
“Long live fair Dori!”.

Dutch.png Dutch translation

Met pastorale klanken
en lieflijke geluiden alom op
een bekoorlijke heuvel op een stralende dag,
weefden een groepje nimfen in fraaie kledij
slingers met sierlijke knopen;
op hun zoete harmonieën was de lucht
geheel in vuur van Amor, toen, bij het uitreiken
van mooie bloemen aan de mooiste,
ik de stem hoorde roepen van de god
die de pijlkoker draagt vanuit de holle grotten:
"Leve de schone Dori!"