God stretches all space (Gabrael StClair)

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  • (Posted 2013-05-30)  CPDL #29271:  This work has been withdrawn at the request of the composer.
Editor: Gabrael StClair (submitted 2013-05-30).   Score information: Letter, 2 pages, 29 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: God stretches all space
Composer: Gabrael StClair

Number of voices: 2vv   Voicing: SA
Genre: SacredHymn

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 2013

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

God stretches all space and comprises a point.
Sometimes Her feet have twined a wall.
Sometimes Her tears have swept dark fog.
Then rolled into ocean mist.

God stands all trees yet flutters all stars.
Unforced, She hallows, hollows, and plumbs.
Hand over hand unreaching,
Circling, unchoking silk scarves.

God reveals in layers hidden the bubbling of charm.
Garden, root, branch, leaf, flower, fruit, seed
Gravity spins bright ions dream.
Yet God stands in my kitchen slowly stiring soup.