Homo cum in honore esset (Orlando di Lasso)

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  • (Posted 2013-05-20)  CPDL #29212:         
Editor: Pothárn Imre (submitted 2013-05-20).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 93 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Transcribed from Magnum opus musicum, 1604. Original key (chiavi naturali) and note-values. Alto parts in octave transposed violin clef.

General Information

Title: Homo cum in honore esset
Composer: Orlando di Lasso

Number of voices: 6vv   Voicing: SAATTB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1566 in Sacrae cantiones liber quartus, no. 8
    2nd published: 1568 in Selectissimae cantiones, no. 1.15
    3rd published: 1579 in Selectissimae cantiones 1579, no. 18
    4th published: 1604 in Magnum opus musicum, no. 393
Description: The second alto part (Sextus) sings the motto: Nosce te ipsum (Know thyself) on a so called soggetto cavato melody. It means that the melody is determined by the vowels of the motto (O, E, E, I, U), which are interpreted as solmization names: sol, re, re, mi, ut, and they are rendered in the hexachordum naturale (C-A) as G, D, D, E, C, and in the hexachordum molle (F-D) as C, G, G, A, F. Lassus uses this melody G-D-D-E-C, C-G-G-A-F first in long note values then in ever shorter note values.

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Homo cum in honore esset non intellexit,
comparatus est jumentis insipientibus,
et similis factus est illis. (Ps.48;13)

Nosce te ipsum.

English.png English translation

Man when he was in honour did not understand;
he is compared to senseless beasts,
and is become like to them.

Know thyself.

Hungarian.png Hungarian translation

De némely ember, midőn tiszteletben van, ezt figyelembe nem veszi,
olyan, mint az oktalan állatok, és hasonló azokhoz.

Ismerd meg önmagad.