Incessament (Josquin des Prez)

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  • (Posted 2013-11-02)  CPDL #30480:        (Finale 2008)
Editor: André Vierendeels (submitted 2013-11-02).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 104 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Incessament
Composer: Josquin des Prez

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: STTTB
Genre: SecularChanson

Language: French
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1545 in Septiesme livre contenant vingt-quatre chansons a cinq et six parties (Tielman Susato), no. 6
    2nd published: 1550 in Livre 36: 30 chansons tres musicales (Pierre Attaingant), no. 7
    3rd published: 1929 in Das Chorwerk, no. 3.4

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Original text and translations

French.png French text

Incessament livre suis a martire
triste et pensif tousiours mon mal empire
ainsi dolent me conduit desplaisir
celle qui peult ne veult me secourir
mon malheur est de tous autres le pire

Modern French
Incessament suis livré à martyre
triste et pensif, toujours mon mal empire.
Ainsi dolent déplaisir me conduit,
celle qui peut, ne veut me secourir.
Mon malheur est de tous les autres le pire.

English.png English translation

I suffer incessantly from martyrdom,
through sad thoughts my pains worsen steadily.
And suffering thus, I am lead by discomfort
and she who might cure it, wants it not.
My suffering is worse than anyone's.