Io son restato qui sconsolato (Orazio Vecchi)

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  • (Posted 2020-11-09)  CPDL #61280:         
Editor: Gerhard Weydt (submitted 2020-11-09).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 98 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Io son restato qui sconsolato
Composer: Orazio Vecchi

Number of voices: 6vv   Voicing: SSATTB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1587 in Canzonette Libro I a 6 voci (Venezia, 1587)
    2nd published: 1590 in Gemmae musicalis Liber Tertius, no. 13

External websites:

Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Io son restato
Qui sconsolato,
E un altro amante
Fier’e incostante,
Coglierà il fiore
Del vostro amore;
Ahimè, come farò
Se più non vi vedrò?

German.png German translation

Ich bin zurückgeblieben
trostlos hier,
und ein anderer Liebhaber
Grausame und Treulose,
wird die Blume
Eurer Liebe Pflücken;
weh mir, wie wird es mir gehen,
wenn ich Euch nicht mehr sehe?

Translation by Gerhard Weydt
English.png English translation

I’ve been left
here inconsolable,
and another lover
cruel and treacherous one,
shall cull the flower
of your love;
Alas, what will I do,
if I will not see you any more ?

Translation by Gerhard Weydt
French.png French translation

Je suis resté
ici inconsolable,
et un autre amant
cruelle et infidèle,
cueillera la fleur
de votre amour ;
hélas, que ferai-je,
si je ne vous verrai plus ?

Translation by Gerhard Weydt