Jagdlied, Op. 59, No. 6 (Felix Mendelssohn)

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  • (Posted 2024-08-01)  CPDL #81469:       
Editor: Cynthia Brome (submitted 2024-08-01).   Score information: Letter, 10 pages, 460 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Source: Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdys W erke, Serie 1 6, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1 874-82. Plate M. B. 1 27, Julius Rietz (1812–1877) Editor.
I have modernized the beaming, added text to parts where it was not shown in the original, written out the repeat, and added rehearsal marks. The English translation was adapted by me from the CPDL translation. —C.B.
  • (Posted 2008-01-19)  CPDL #15813:        (Capella 2008)
Editor: Gerd Eichler (submitted 2008-01-19).   Score information: A4, 6 pages, 66 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Jagdlied
Work: Sechs Lieder, Op. 59
Composer: Felix Mendelssohn
Lyricist: Joseph von Eichendorff

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SecularPartsong

Language: German
Instruments: A cappella

Composed 1843 March 5
First published: 1844 in Sechs Lieder, Op. 59, no. 6

External websites:

Original text and translations

German.png German text

Durch schwankende Wipfel schiesst goldener Strahl,
tief unter den Gipfeln das neblige Tal,
Fern hallt es vom Schlosse, das Waldhorn ruft,
es wiehern die Rosse in die luft.

Bald Ländern und Seeen, bald Wolkenzug
tief schimmernd zu sehen in schwindelndem Flug,
Bald Dunkel wieder hüllt Reiter und Ross,
o Lieb', o Liebe, so lass' mich los.

Immer weiter und weiter die Klänge zieh'n,
durch Wälder und Heiden, wohin, ach wohin?
Erquickliche Frische, süssschaurige Lust!
Hoch flattern die Büsche, frei schlägt die Brust."
Und weiter und weiter die Klänge zieh'n,
hoch flattern die Büche frei schlägt die Brust.

English.png English translation

Hunting song
Through swaying treetops gleams a ray of gold.
The misty valley lies far beneath the summits.
The call of the forest horn rings out in the distance from the castle.
The horses whinny into the air.

Soon lands and lakes, soon moving clouds
can be seen gleaming far off in dizzying flight.
Soon darkness once again envelopes rider and horse.
O love, O love, Let me go!

The sounds push on further and further, through woods and over moors,
Where? ah, where are they going?
Invigorating freshness, sweet shivers of pleasure!
The high foliage flutters, the heart beats freely.
And further and further the sounds push on.
The high foliage flutters, the heart beats freely.

Turkish.png Turkish translation

Av Şarkısı
Sallanan ağaç dallarından altın bir ışın parlar.
Sisli vadi tepelerden çok daha aşağıda yatmaktadır.
Korno sesleri kaleden öteye yankılanır.
Atlar hafifçe kişner.

Çok geçmeden topraklar ve göller, hareketli bulutlar
ışıl ışıl görülebilir uzaklaşırken bu göz kamaştıran uçuşta.
Çok geçmeden bir kez daha karanlık, seyisi ve atı sarar.
Ah aşk, ah aşk, gitmeme izin ver!

Sesler gittikçe uzaklaşır, ağaçların içinden ve kırların üstünden,
Nereye? Ah, nereye gidiyorlar?
Canlandırıcı tazelik, zevkin tatlı ürpertileri!
Yükseklerdeki yapraklar çırpınır, kalp serbestçe atar.
Ve uzağa, daha uzağa doğru sesler ilerler.
Yükseklerdeki yapraklar çırpınır, kalp serbestçe atar.