Jesus in pace imperat (Samuel Friedrich Capricornus)

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Editor: Wim Looyestijn (submitted 2024-08-31).   Score information: A4, 24 pages, 293 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Instrumental parts are includen in the PDF.

General Information

Title: Jesus in pace imperat
Composer: Samuel Friedrich Capricornus
Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SSATB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: String ensemble 3 vi, 2 va, bc

First published: 1660 in Jubilus Bernhardi, Stuttgard, no. 24

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Jesus in pace imperat,
quæ omnes sensus superat.
Hanc mea mens desiderat,
et ea frui properat,
JEsus ad patrem redidit
cæleste numen subiit,
cor meum a me transiit,
post Jesum simul abiit,
Quem prosequamur laudibus
votis hymnis et precibus,
ut nos donet cælestibus
cum ipso frui sedibus, Amen.

Dutch.png Dutch translation

Jezus heerst in vrede
wat alle zinnen te boven gaat.
Mijn geest verlangt hiernaar
en haast zich om ervan te genieten.
Jezus keerde terug naar zijn vader
de hemelse God.
Mijn hart is van mij weggegaan
ging samen achter Jezus aan.
Laten we hem volgen met lof
met hymnen en gebeden
dat hij ons aan de hemel mag geven
om bij hem te genieten, Amen.

English.png English translation

Jesus rules in peace
which surpasses all senses.
My mind longs for this
and hasten to enjoy them.
Jesus returned to his father
the heavenly God.
My heart has passed from me
went after Jesus together.
Let us follow him with praise
with hymns and prayers
that he may give us to the heavens
to enjoy the seats with him, Amen.