Lucescit iam o socii (Orlando di Lasso)

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  • (Posted 2017-01-07)  CPDL #42556:         
Editor: James Gibb (submitted 2017-01-07).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 64 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: reformatting of #16409, transposed up a minor 3rd. Musica ficta are editorial.
  • (Posted 2008-03-21)  CPDL #16409:         
Editor: Brian Russell (submitted 2008-03-21).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 43 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: NoteWorthy Composer file may be viewed and printed with NoteWorthy Composer Viewer.
  • (Posted 2006-06-22)  CPDL #11924:       (Finale 2000)
Editor: Sabine Cassola (submitted 2006-06-22).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 99 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
Error.gif Possible error(s) identified. Error summary: The score erroneously has 'merrons' for 'mettons'

General Information

Title: Luscecit iam o socii
Composer: Orlando di Lasso

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SecularChanson

Languages: Latin, French
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1583 in Vingtquatrieme livre d’airs et chansons (Le Roy & Ballard), no. 1
    2nd published: 1584 in Continuation du mellange, no. 5

External websites:

Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin and French.png French text

Lucescit iam o socii,
nous tardons trop à déjeuner,
habemus tantum ocii,
que ferions-nous jusqu'au diner?
Iam parata sunt omnia,
mettons-nous à table en bonne heure.
Si quis quaeret, quare?
Qui a trop jeûner aporte douleur.
Nunc bibamus non segniter,
c’est trop manger sans boire un coup.
Bibamus bis, ter et quater,
puis chanterons "or sus à coup".
Non habentes pecuniam,
l’hoste dira ce qu’il voudra.
Ite per aliam viam,
on le payra quand on pourra.

English.png English translation

Day is already breaking, companions,
it is high time for us to eat.
We have so much time:
what should we do until dinner time?
Now everything is ready,
let us go to table early.
If anyone asks why,
it is because too much fasting causes pain.
Now let us drink, and not too slowly.
To eat without drinking is more than we can stand:
let us drink twice, thrice and a fourth time,
then sing: 'bottoms up, down the hatch!'
Since we have no money,
the host can say what he likes,
let's slip away -
we’ll pay him when we can.

Translation by Mick Swithinbank