Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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Born: 27 January 1756
Died: 5 December 1791
View the Wikipedia article on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
List of choral works
- For works at CPDL sorted alphabetically by title, see Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart compositions
This ordering is chronological, based on Köchel catalogue (6th edition) and subsequent MS dating by Alan Tyson. For spurious attributions see Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - list of masses as well.
- Missa solemnis in C minor, KV 139 'Waisenhausmesse' (47a) – individual movements available
- Missa brevis in G major, KV 49 (47d)
- Missa brevis in D minor, KV 65 (61a)
- Missa brevis in G major, KV 140 (doubtful attrib.)
- Missa solemnis in C major, KV 66 'Dominicusmesse'
- Missa in C major (in honorem Sanctissimae Trinitatis), KV 167
- Missa brevis in F major, KV 192
- Missa brevis in D major, KV 194 (186h)
- Missa brevis in C, KV 220 'Spatzen-Messe'
- Missa longa in C major, KV 262 (246a)
- Missa brevis in C major, KV 258 'Piccolomini'
- Missa brevis in C major, KV 257 'Credo'
- Missa brevis in C Major, KV 259 'Organ solo' 2ob 2cl 2tymp 3ps 2vln BC
- Missa brevis in B flat, KV 275
- Missa solemnis in C major, KV 317 'Krönungsmesse' or Coronation mass)
- Missa solemnis in C major, KV 337 'Missa aulica'
- Missa solemnis in C minor, KV 427 (417a) 'Great Mass'
- Requiem in D minor, K 626
Other sacred
Masonic music
- Eine kleine Freimaurer-Cantate, KV 623 "Laut verkünde uns're Freude"
- Zerfließet heut', geliebte Brüder, K 483 Zur Eröffnung der Freimaurerloge
- Ihr unsre neuen Leiter, K 484 Zum Schluß der Freimaurerloge
Songs with piano
- Abendempfindung an Laura
- Abendruhe
- Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte
- Dans un bois solitaire
- Oiseaux, si tous les ans
- Das Veilchen, KV 476
- Bastien und Bastienne
- Placido è il mar, from Idomeneo, KV 366
- The Marriage of Figaro
- Don Giovanni
- Cosi fan tutti
- Un' aura amorosa arr. TTBB
- Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute), Singspiel in 2 acts, K 620
- Weihe des Gesangs "O Schutzgeist alles Schönen" (arrangement of "O Isis und Osiris", Nr. 18
- Bald prangt, den Morgen zu verkünden (a cappella arrangement)
- La clemenza di Tito
- Dir, Seele des Weltalls, KV 429 (vocal parts)
- Grazie a gl'inganni tuoi, K. 532
- 3 nokturna (KV 346, 438, 439 below, in Czech translation)
- 6 Notturni (Nocturnos, Kanzonetten)
- Due pupille amabili / Zwei allerliebste Äugelein, KV 439
- Se lontan, ben mio, tu sei / Bist du fern von mir, mein Leben, KV 438
- Ecco quel fiero istante / Naht nun die Abschiedsstunde, KV 436
- Mi lagnerò tacendo / Ich trage still mein Leiden, KV 437
- Luci care, luci belle / Ihr geliebten Augensterne, KV 346 (439a)
- Più non si trovano / Unter der Liebenden zahlreichen Scharen, KV 549
- Alleluia, KV 553
- D'Bäurin hat d'Katz verlor'n
- Bona nox
- Heiterkeit, KV 507
- Lieber Freistaedtler, lieber Gaulimauli
- Die Nachtigall (The Nightingale) (No valid edition)
- O du eselhafter Martin
- V'amo di core, KV 348/382g
- Venerabilis barba capucinorum
Other works not listed above (See Template:CheckMissing for possible reasons and solutions)
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External links
- On-line since December 2006: the complete scores of W. A. Mozart by Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum.
- Requiem c-Moll: Qui tollis - Kammerchor Rheine